Device Configuration Generation Script Help

Downloading the host script

To clone or download these host tools from Github,go to the main page of this repository and then click Clone button to clone this repo or download as zip file. This content can also be download using MCC content manager

Path of the tool within the repository is tools/btl_dev_cfg_gen.py

Setting up the Host PC

  • The Script is compatible with Python 3.x and higher


  • This script should be used to generate a device configuration text file which requires 32Bit CRC's and SHA-256 to be added for the Fuse Bits itself

  • It generates a standard 32Bit CRC with polynomial 0xedb88320 on the Fuse Bits from input device configuration text file and adds to appropriate location in the output file

  • It generates a SHA-256 Hex Digest on the Fuse Bits from input device configuration text file and adds to appropriate location in the output file

  • The generated output device configuration text file can be used by respecive bootloader host utilities to send the Fuse bits to bootloader using device configuration command

  • Refer to Bootloader Device Configuration Input section for details on creating the Device Configuration Input text file required by the utility


Usage Examples

Below is the syntax to show help menu for the script

python <harmony3_path>/bootloader/tools/btl_dev_cfg_gen.py --help

Below is the syntax and output after creating a device configuration output file

python <harmony3_path>/bootloader/tools/btl_dev_cfg_gen.py -v -f <device_config_input_file.txt> -o <device_config_output_file.txt>