
This application note is developed for the ATA Ultra High Frequency (UHF) products and serves to increase RF sensitivity and the communication range of the ICs. This software is using Forward Error Correction (FEC) with (12, 8) Hamming-Code algorithm together with dedicated RX telegram setting.

Measurements from the laboratory show that, with this software, the sensitivity of the components can be improved by ~2 dB, depending on the data rate and other telegram settings.

Figure . S3 Sensitivity w/wo FEC @ 10 kBit/s NRZ, FSK 10 kHz
The following chapters describe the methods to integrate the software into your own application for the following transceiver/receiver products:
  • ATA5830, ATA5830N
  • ATA5831, ATA5835
  • ATA5782 and ATA5787
  • ATA8510
  • ATA8210
  • ATA8710
  • ATA8535
  • ATA8287