1.2 LED Indicators

The development board features four LEDs that can be used to provide diagnostic information for the demo code that comes with the board. At power-up, the LED array should flash twice in the following order: Blue, Green, Yellow, and Red. This will indicate that the board is pre-programmed. Each LED is assigned to indicate the status of a certain aspect of the IoT system, which can be found in the table below.

Table 1-1. LED Indicators
LED ColorTypeIndicationDetails


WIFISolid BlueWi-Fi Network ConnectionIndicates a successful connection to the local Wi-Fi network.
Blinking Blue (slow blink)Soft AP ModeIndicates that the board can be detected and used as a Wi-Fi access point. For details, refer to Section Via Soft AP.
Blinking Blue (fast blink)Wi-Fi Network ConnectionIndicates that the board is trying to establish a successful connection to a Wi-Fi network. In combination with a blinking green LED, it means that the board is trying to connect to the network using default Wi-Fi credentials.


CONNSolid GreenAWS Cloud ConnectionIndicates a successful MQTT connection to AWS Cloud.
Blinking GreenAWS Cloud ConnectionIndicates that the board is trying to establish a MQTT connection to AWS Cloud


DATABlinking YellowData Publication to the CloudIndicates that sensor data in the form of MQTT packet has been successfully published to AWS Cloud.
Solid Yellow for ON state, LED Off for OFF state for extended timeState of Toggle sent within MQTT publish packetIndicates the state of the Toggle switch (ON = 1 / OFF = 0), received as part of the packet published by AWS Cloud on the subscribed topic.


ERRORSolid RedError StatusIndicates an error in the application.