2.3.3 Via Soft AP

The last method to connect to the Wi-Fi is through the advanced Software Access Point (Soft AP) mode, a feature of the WINC module on-board. This method is ideal if the user is only using a mobile device, such as a mobile phone or tablet, instead of a laptop or PC. The Soft AP mode can be entered by pressing and holding the SW0 push button for most of the start-up time between initial power-up LED cycling. When the Soft AP mode has been successfully entered, the board can be detected as a Wi-Fi access point named MCHP.IOT.ACCESSPOINT. The blue LED will start blinking when Soft AP is available. Using a mobile device such as a mobile phone or tablet, connect to the MCHP.IOT.ACCESSPOINT hotspot. It will redirect to a sign-in page where the user can enter the SSID and password of the network to which the board will connect. The Device Name will not be considered, and the authorization type will always be WPA/WPA2 (2). Once these details are entered, click the Connect button to connect the board to the network. Refer to Figure 2-7 to see how the sign-in page will look like.

Figure 2-7. Connecting via Soft AP