
The TCB peripheral synchronization and output logic level depend on the selected Timer Mode (CNTMODE) bit field in the Control B (TCBn.CTRLB) register. In the Single-Shot mode, the peripheral can be configured so that the signal generation happens asynchronously to an incoming event (ASYNC = 1 in the TCBn.CTRLB register). Then, the output signal is set immediately at the incoming event instead of being synchronized to the TCB clock. Due to the synchronization delay for the counter, the waveform output will be set high for three to four CLK_TCB cycles more than what is defined by the TOP value.

Writing a ‘1’ to the Capture/Compare Output Enable (CCMPEN) bit in the Control B (TCBn.CTRLB) register enables and makes the waveform output available on the corresponding pin, overriding the value in the corresponding PORT output register.

The table below lists the different configurations and their impact on the output.
Table 24-2. Output Configuration
1Single-Shot mode0The output is high when the counter starts and low when the counter stops
1The output is high when the event arrives and low when the counter stops
8-bit PWM modeNot applicable8-bit PWM mode
Other modesNot applicableThe Capture/Compare Pin Initial Value (CCMPINIT) bit in the Control B (TCBn.CTRLB) register selects the initial output level
0Not applicableNot applicableNo output

Changing modes while the peripheral is enabled is not recommended, as this can produce an unpredictable output. An interrupt flag may be set during the timer configuration. Clearing the TCB Interrupt Flags (TCBn.INTFLAGS) register is recommended after configuring this peripheral.