8 Wireless System Services


In typical Wi-Fi Software Application, the developer should interact with complex SW blocks (TCP IP stack initialization, Wi-Fi credential configuration, DHCP Client, DNS, Socket, TLS, Cloud credential configuration, Data exchange, ...).

Thus it may be complicated to develop an application by calling WLAN driver API or TCP IP API directly.


The Harmony Wireless Software for PIC32MZ W1 device introduces the concept of Wireless Services.

Wireless Services are modular library code that abstract the WLAN driver, NetPres and TCP/IP Stack.



With modular approach, developing a Wi-Fi Application is much easier and provides many benefits.

  • Learning curve is reduced

  • Developer needs limited non-domain knowledge

  • Developers sees only what they want to see

  • Code to write is reduced

  • Development and maintenance time are reduced

  • Allow to concentrate effort on the application layer

  • OS/non-OS compatible

  • Software modules which make commonly use Wi-Fi application available as a service

  • Enable reusability of code to easier software development

  • Simple API for the interface between application and service modules

Check Harmony 3 PIC32MZ-W1/WFI32 wireless system services for more information about System services and API.