25.5.11 Control D

Offset: 0x0A
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/W 
Reset 00 

Bits 7:6 – ABW[1:0] Auto-Baud Window Size

These bits control the tolerance for the difference between the baud rates between the two synchronizing devices when using Lin Constrained Auto-baud mode. The tolerance is based on the number of baud samples between every two bits. When baud rates are identical, there must be 32 baud samples between each bit pair since each bit is sampled 16 times.
0x00 WDW0 32±6 (18% tolerance)
0x01 WDW1 32±5 (15% tolerance)
0x02 WDW2 32±7 (21% tolerance)
0x03 WDW3 32±8 (25% tolerance)