4.2.3 Adding Files To Project

The Following Files are added to the RFD project section -

Figure 4-92. 

Copy the following folder from the Repo link:(to be mentioned) and paste in the project path : ble_mac_prov_rfd\firmware\src

Figure 4-93. 

Figure 4-94. 

Figure 4-95. 

Figure 4-96. 

Figure 4-97. 

Figure 4-98. 

Figure 4-99. 

Figure 4-100. 

Figure 4-101. 

Import the app_adv.c and app_adv.h files into the project folder and copy the files there in order to enable the advertisement service.
Figure 4-102. 

Right-click on the Source Files option and select “Add Existing Item”

Figure 4-103. 

In the select item window browse and select the app_adv.c file, and select “C++ Source Files” on the Files of Type option

Figure 4-104. 

Now the app_adv.c file is added to the project location. The procedure is the same for app_adv.h; the only difference is to select the “Header Files option” on the files of type while choosing the file.

Figure 4-105.