AP_VER=Algorithm Plugin Version |
AREAS_TO_PROGRAM=The following memory area(s) will be
programmed: |
AREAS_TO_READ=The following memory area(s) will be
read: |
AREAS_TO_VERIFY=The following memory area(s) will be
verified: |
BLANK_CHECK_COMPLETE=Blank check complete, device is
blank. |
BLANK_CHECK_FAILED=Blank check failed. The device is not
blank. |
BLANK_CHECKING=Blank Checking... |
BOOT_CONFIG_MEMORY=boot config memory |
BOOT_VER=Boot Version |
BOOTFLASH=boot flash |
BP_CANT_B_DELETED_WHEN_RUNNING=software breakpoints
cannot be removed while the target is running. The selected breakpoint
will be removed the next time the target halts. |
CANT_CREATE_CONTROLLER=Unable to find the tool
controller class. |
CANT_FIND_FILE=Unable to locate file %s. |
CANT_OP_BELOW_LVPTHRESH=The voltage level selected %f,
is below the minimum erase voltage of %f. The operation cannot continue
at this voltage level. |
CANT_PGM_USEROTP=The debug tool cannot program User OTP memory
because it is not blank. Please exclude User OTP memory from the
memories to program or switch to a device with blank User OTP
memory. |
CANT_PRESERVE_PGM_MEM=Unable to preserve program memory:
Invalid range Start = %08x, End = %08x. |
CANT_READ_REGISTERS=Unable to read target
register(s). |
CANT_READ_SERIALNUM=Unable to read the device serial
number. |
events for multiple USB product IDs. |
CANT_REMOVE_SWPS_BUSY=The ICD 4 is currently busy and cannot remove
software breakpoints at this time. |
CHECK_4_HIGH_VOLTAGE_VPP=CAUTION: Check that the device
selected in MPLAB IDE (%s) is the same one that is physically attached
to the debug tool. Selecting a 5V device when a 3.3V device is connected
can result in damage to the device when the debugger checks the device
ID. Do you wish to continue? |
CHECK_PGM_SPEED=You have set the program speed to %s. The
circuit on your board may require you to slow the speed down. Please
change the setting in the tool properties to low and try the operation
again. |
CHECK_SLAVE_DEBUG=Debugging may have failed because the,
"Debug" check box in the Slave Core settings of the master project has
not been enabled. Please make sure this setting is enabled. |
COMM_PROTOCOL_ERROR=A communication error with the debug tool has
occurred. The tool will be reset and should re-enumerate
shortly. |
COMMAND_TIME_OUT=PICkit 5 has timeout
out waiting for a response to command %02x. |
CONFIGURATION=configuration |
CONFIGURATION_MEMORY=configuration memory |
CONNECTION_FAILED=Connection Failed |
CORRUPTED_STREAMING_DATA=Invalid streaming data has been
detected. Run time watch or trace data may no longer be valid. It is
recommended that you restart your debug session. |
CPM_TO_TARGET_FAILED=An exception occurred during
ControlPointMediator.ToTarget(). |
DATA_FLASH_MEMORY=Data Flash memory |
DATA_FLASH=data flash |
DEBUG_INFO_PGM_FAILED=Could not enter debug mode because
programming the debug information failed. Invalid combinations of config
bits may cause this problem. |
DEBUG_READ_INFO=Reading the device while in debug mode
may take a long time due to the target oscillator speed. Reducing the
range that you'd like to read (under the ICD 4 project properties) can
mitigate the situation. The abort operation can be used to terminate the
read operation if necessary. |
%08x |
DEVICE_INFO_MEMBERS=DeviceInfo: pcAddress = %08x, Vpp = %.2f,
useRowEraseIfVoltageIsLow = %s, voltageBelowWhichUseRowErase = %.2f,
deviceName = %s, programmerType = %s |
DEVICE_INFO_MEMINFO_MEMBERS= DeviceInfo: mask = %04x, exists = %s,
startAddr = %08x, endAddr = %08x, rowSize = %04x, rowEraseSize = %04x,
addrInc = %04x, widthProgram = %04x |
DEVICE_INFO=DeviceInfo: Values: |
DEVID_MISMATCH=Target Device ID (0x%x) is an Invalid Device ID.
Please check your connections to the Target Device. |
DFU_NOT_SUPPORTED=MPLAB X has detected the tool connected has
capabilities that this version does not support. Please download the
latest version of MPLAB X to use this tool. |
DISCONNECT_WHILE_BUSY=The tool was disconnected while it
was busy. |
EMPTY_PROGRAM_RANGES=The programming operation did not complete
because no memory areas have been selected. |
trying to read/write MPLAB's emulation memory: Address=%08x |
END=end |
ENSURE_SELF_TEST_READY=Please ensure the RJ-11 cable is
connected to the test board before continuing. |
ENSURE_SELF_TEST_READY=Please ensure the RJ-11 cable is
connected to the test board before continuing. Would you like to
continue? |
ENV_ID_GROUP=Device Identification |
ERASE_COMPLETE=Erase successful |
ERASING=Erasing... |
FAILED_2_PGM_DEVICE=Failed to program device. |
FAILED_CREATING_COM=Unable create communications
object. |
Failed creating the debugger module. |
FAILED_ERASING=Failed to erase the device. |
tool communications. |
FAILED_GETTING_DBG_EXEC=A problem occurred while trying
to load the debug executive. |
FAILED_GETTING_DEVICE_INFO=Initialization failed: Failed
while retrieving device database (.pic) information |
FAILED_GETTING_EMU_INFO=Initialization failed: Failed
getting emulation database information |
FAILED_GETTING_HEADER_INFO=Initialization failed: Failed getting
header database information |
FAILED_GETTING_PGM_EXEC=A problem occurred while trying
to load the program executive. |
FAILED_GETTING_TEX=Unable to obtain the
ToolExecMediator |
FAILED_GETTING_TOOL_INFO=Initialization failed: Failed
while retrieving tool database (.ri4) information |
FAILED_INITING_DATABASE=Initialization failed: Unable to initialize
the tool database object |
FAILED_INITING_DEBUGHANDLER=Initialization failed: Unable
to initialize the DebugHandler object |
FAILED_PARSING_FILE=Failed to parse firmware file:
%s |
FAILED_READING_EMULATION_REGS=Failed to read emulation
memory. |
FAILED_READING_MPLAB_MEMORY=Unable to read %s memory
from %0x08 to %0x08. |
FAILED_READING_SECURE_SEGMENT=A failure occurred while reading secure
segment configuration bits |
FAILED_SETTING_PC=Unable to set PC. |
FAILED_SETTING_SHADOWS=Failed to properly set shadow
registers. |
FAILED_SETTING_XMIT_EVENTS=Unable to synchronize run
time data semiphores. |
FAILED_STEPPING=Failed while stepping the
target. |
FAILED_TO_GET_DEVID=Failed to get Device ID. Please make
sure the target device is attached and try the operation again. |
FAILED_TO_INIT_TOOL=Failed to initialize PICkit 5 |
FAILED_UPDATING_BP=Failed to update breakpoint:\nFile:
%s\naddress: %08x |
FAILED_UPDATING_FIRMWARE=Failed to properly update the
firmware. |
FILE_REGISTER=file register |
timeout out during the firmware download process. |
FLASH_DATA_MEMORY=Flash data memory |
FLASH_DATA=flash data |
the clock switching configuration bits setting must be enabled. Please
enable clock switching and retry the requested operation. |
FW_DOESNT_SUPPORT_DYNBP=The current PICkit 5 firmware does not support setting run time breakpoints for
the selected device. Please download firmware version %02x.%02x.%02x or
higher. |
GOOD_ID_MISMATCH=Target Device ID (0x%x) is a valid
Device ID but does not match the expected Device ID (0x%x) as
selected. |
HALTING=Halting... |
HIGH=High |
HOLDMCLR_FAILED=Hold in reset failed. |
is functioning properly. If you are still having problems with your
target circuit please check the Target Board Considerations section of
the online help. |
IDS_ST_CLKREAD_ERR=Test interface PGC clock line read
failure. |
IDS_ST_CLKREAD_NO_TEST=Test interface PGC clock line
read not tested. |
IDS_ST_CLKREAD_SUCCESS=Test interface PGC clock line
read succeeded. |
IDS_ST_CLKWRITE_ERR=Test interface PGC clock line write
failure. Please ensure that the tester is properly connected. |
IDS_ST_CLKWRITE_NO_TEST=Test interface PGC clock line
write not tested. |
IDS_ST_CLKWRITE_SUCCESS=Test interface PGC clock line
write succeeded. |
IDS_ST_DATREAD_ERR=Test interface PGD data line read
failure. |
IDS_ST_DATREAD_NO_TEST=Test interface PGD data line read
not tested. |
IDS_ST_DATREAD_SUCCESS=Test interface PGD data line read
succeeded. |
IDS_ST_DATWRITE_ERR=Test interface PGD data line write
failure. |
IDS_ST_DATWRITE_NO_TEST=Test interface PGD data line
write not tested. |
IDS_ST_DATWRITE_SUCCESS=Test interface PGD data line
write succeeded. |
IDS_ST_LVP_ERR=Test interface LVP control line
failure. |
IDS_ST_LVP_NO_TEST=Test interface LVP control line not
tested. |
IDS_ST_LVP_SUCCESS=Test interface LVP control line test
succeeded. |
IDS_ST_MCLR_ERR=Test interface MCLR level
failure. |
level not tested. |
level test succeeded. |
IDS_TEST_NOT_COMPLETED=Interface test could not be
completed. Please contact your local FAE/CAE to SAR the unit. |
INCOMPATIBLE_FW=The REAL ICE firmware in not compatible
with the current version of MPLAB X software. |
INVALID_ADDRESS=The operation cannot proceed because the
%s address is outside the devices address range of 0x%08x -
0x%08x. |
JTAG_NEEDS_JTAGEN=The JTAG Adapter requires the JTAG enable
configuration bit to be turned on. Please enable this configuration bit
before continuing. |
target device from PICkit 5 and have not
selected the, "Maintain active power" option on the PICkit 5's Power property page. Without
this option, the state of MCLR (hold/release
from reset) cannot be guaranteed after the current session has
ended. |
MCLR_OFF_ID_WARNING=If you are using low voltage programming and the
MCLRE config bit on the target device is set to OFF, this may explain
why the device ID is incorrect. In this case, please switch to the \"Use
high voltage programming mode entry\" Program mode entry setting on the
PICkit 5 Program Options property
page and try the operation again. |
MCLR_OFF_WARNING=If you wish to continue with MCLRE configuration bit
set to OFF, switch to the \"Use high voltage programming mode entry\"
Program mode entry setting on the PICkit 5 Program Options property page. |
MEM_INFO=DeviceInfo: MemInfo values: |
MEM_RANGE_ERROR_BAD_END_ADDR=Invalid program range end
address %s received. Please check the manual program ranges on the debug
tool's, "Memories to Program" property page. |
MEM_RANGE_ERROR_BAD_START_ADDR=Invalid program range
start address %s received. Please check the manual program ranges on the
debug tool's, "Memories to Program" property page. |
received: end address %s < start address %s. Please check the manual
program ranges on the debug tool's, "Memories to Program" property
page. |
range received: end address %s is not aligned on a proper 0x%x address
boundary. Please check the manual program ranges on the debug tool's,
"Memories to Program" property page. |
range received: start address %s is not aligned on a proper 0x%x address
boundary. Please check the manual program ranges on the debug tool's,
"Memories to Program" property page. |
MEM_RANGE_ERROR_UNKNOWN=An unknown error has occurred
while trying to validate the user entered memory ranges. |
object while validating user entered memory ranges. |
MEM_RANGE_OUT_OF_BOUNDS=The selected program range, %s,
does not fall within the proper range for the memory area selected.
Please check the manual program ranges on the debug tool's, "Memories to
Program" property page. |
MEM_RANGE_STRING_MALFORMED=The memory range(s) entered
on the, "Memories to Program" property page (%s) is not formatted
properly. |
MISSING_BOOT_CONFIG_PARAMETER=Unable to find boot config
start/end address in database. |
MUST_NOT_USE_LVP_WHEN_LVPCFG_OFF=MPLAB has detected that the low
voltage configuration bit on the device is off and you have selected the
low voltage programming option on the debug tool's property page. If you
wish to use the low voltage programming option you must first do the
following:\n* Turn off the low voltage programming option on the debug
tool's Program Options property page\n* Program the low voltage
configuration bit to on\n* Turn on the low voltage programming option on
the debug tool's Program Options property page. |
MUST_SET_LVPBIT_WITH_LVP=The low voltage programming
feature requires the LVP configuration bit to be enabled on the target
device. Please enable this configuration bit and try the operation
again. |
NEW_FIRMWARE_NO_DEVICE=Downloading firmware. |
NEW_FIRMWARE=Now Downloading new Firmware for target
device: %s |
NO_DYNAMIC_BP_SUPPORT_AT_ALL=The current device does not
support the ability to set breakpoints while the devices is running. The
breakpoint will be applied prior to the next time you run the device.
NO_PGM_HANDLER=Cannot program software breakpoints. The
program handler has not been initialized. |
NO_PROGRAMMING_ATTEMPTED=MPLAB's memory is blank so no programming
operation was attempted. |
NORMAL=Normal |
OP_FAILED_FROM_CP=The requested operation failed because
the device is code protected. |
OpenIDE-Module-Name=PICkit 5 |
OPERATION_INFO_MEMBERS=OperationInfo: Type = %s, Mask = %08x, Erase =
%s, Production Mode = %s. |
%x, Buffer Length = %d, Type = %s, Mask = %08x. |
OPERATION_INFO=OperationInfo: Values: |
OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED=This operation is not supported
for the selected device |
PERIPHERAL=Peripheral |
POWER_ERROR_NO_POWER_SRC=The configuration is set for
the target board to supply its own power but no voltage has been
detected on VDD. Please ensure you have your target powered up and try
again. |
POWER_ERROR_POWER_SRC_CONFLICT=The configuration is set
for the tool to provide power to the target but there is voltage already
detected on VDD. This is a conflict. Please ensure your target is not
supplying voltage to the tool and try again. |
POWER_ERROR_SLOW_DISCHARGE= There seems to be excessive
capacitance on VDD causing a slower system discharge and shutdown.
Consider minimizing overall capacitance loading or use power from your
target to avoid discharge delays. |
POWER_ERROR_UNKNOWN=An unknown power error has
occurred. |
POWER_ERROR_VDD_TOO_HIGH=The VDD voltage desired is out
of range. It exceeds the maximum voltage of 5.5V. |
POWER_ERROR_VDD_TOO_LOW=The VDD voltage desired is out of
range. It is below the minimum voltage of 1.5V. |
POWER_ERROR_VPP_TOO_HIGH=The VPP voltage desired is out
of range. It exceeds the maximum voltage of 14.2V. |
POWER_ERROR_VPP_TOO_LOW=The VPP voltage desired is out of
range. It is below the minimum voltage of 1.5V. |
range end address %s received. Please check the manual program ranges on
the debug tool's, "Memories to Program" property page. |
range start address %s received. Please check the manual program ranges
on the debug tool's, "Memories to Program" property page. |
preserve range received: end address %s < start address %s. Please
check the manual program ranges on the debug tool's, "Memories to
Program" property page. |
preserve range received: end address %s is not aligned on a proper 0x%x
address boundary. Please check the manual program ranges on the debug
tool's, "Memories to Program" property page. |
preserve range received: start address %s is not aligned on a proper
0x%x address boundary. Please check the manual program ranges on the
debug tool's, "Memories to Program" property page. |
occurred while trying to validate the user entered preserve
ranges. |
data object while validating user entered memory ranges. |
preserve an area of memory but have not selected to program that area.
Please check the preserved ranges on the debug tool's "Memories to
Program" property page and make sure that any preserved memory is also
designated to be programmed. |
range, %s, does not fall within the proper range for the memory area
selected. Please check the manual program ranges on the debug tool's
"Memories to Program" property page. |
range(s) entered on the, "Memories to Program" property page (%s) is not
formatted properly. |
preserve memory ranges (%s) entered on the, "Memories to Program"
property page, do not fall under the indicated program range(s) (%s) for
the memory selected. Please deselect the "Auto select memories and
ranges" option on the "Memories to Program" property page, change to
manual mode and adjust your range(s) accordingly. |
preserve memory ranges (%s) entered on the, "Memories to Program"
property page, do not fall under the indicated program range(s) (%s) for
the memory selected. Please check the preserved ranges on the debug
tool's, "Memories to Program" property page. |
PROGRAM_CFG_WARNING=WARNING: You have selected to program
configuration memory. Programming invalid values into any of the
configuration fields may have unintended consequences. Please make sure
that EVERY configuration field has a valid value. If you are not sure,
you can read the configuration values off of device first and then
change only the fields you are concerned with. Would you like to
continue programming? |
PROGRAM_COMPLETE=Programming/Verify complete |
PROGRAM_MEMORY=program memory |
PROGRAM=program |
complete. |
READ_COMPLETE=Read complete |
READ_DID_NOT_COMPLETE=Read did not complete. |
RELEASEMCLR_FAILED=Release from reset failed. |
REMOVING_SWBPS_COMPLETE=Removing software breakpoints
complete |
REMOVING_SWBPS=Removing software breakpoints... |
RESET_FAILED=Failed to reset the device. |
RESETTING=Resetting... |
RISKY_CFG_RANGE_REMOVED=The configuration memory will not be included
in the program operation because the, "Exclude configuration memory from
programming" option is set. To change this, go to the Memories to
Program property page and uncheck the setting. WARNING: Programming
configuration values on this device can cause unintended consequences if
all of the configuration values are not properly set. It is advised that
you read the configuration values off of device first and then change
only the fields you are concerned with. |
has occurred. It is advised that you restart your debug session. You may
continue running but certain run time features may no longer work
properly. |
RUN_TARGET_FAILED=Unable to run the target
device. |
RUNNING=Running |
SERIAL_NUM=Serial Number: |
SETTING_SWBPS=Setting software breakpoints....... |
STACK=stack |
START_AND_END_ADDR=start address = 0x%x, end address =
0x%x |
START=start |
TARGET_DETECTED=Target voltage detected |
TARGET_FOUND=Target device %s found. |
TARGET_HALTED=Target Halted |
TARGET_NOT_READY_4_DEBUG=The target device is not ready
for debugging. Please check your configuration bit settings and program
the device before proceeding. The most common causes for this failure
are oscillator and/or PGC/PGD settings. |
TEST=test |
TOOL_INFO_MEMBERS=ToolInfo: speedLevel = %d, PGCResistance = %d,
PGDResistance = %d, PGCPullDir = %s, PGDPullDir = %s, ICSPSelected =
%s. |
TOOL_INFO=ToolInfo: Values: |
TOOL_IS_BUSY=PICkit 5 is busy. Please
wait for the current operation to finish. |
supplying power to the target (%.2f volts). |
UNABLE_TO_OBTAIN_RESET_VECTOR=PICkit 5 was unable to retrieve the reset vector address. This
indicates that no _reset symbol has been defined and may prevent the
device from starting up properly. |
UNKNOWN_MEMTYPE=Unknown memory type |
unloaded while still busy. Please unplug and reconnect the USB cable
before using PICkit 5 again. |
UPDATING_APP=Updating firmware application... |
bootloader. |
USE_LVP_PROGRAMMING=NOTE: If you would like to program this device
using low voltage programming, select Cancel on this dialog. Then go to
the PICkit 5 node of the project
properties and check the Enable Low Voltage Programming check box of the
Program Options Option Category pane (low voltage programming is not
valid for debugging operations). |
USERID_MEMORY=User Id Memory |
USERID=user Id |
VERIFY_COMPLETE=Verification successful. |
VERIFY_FAILED=Verify failed |
VERSIONS=Versions |
VOLTAGE_LEVEL_BAD_VALUE_EX=You have entered an invalid value %s for
the Voltage Level on the PICkit 5 Power
property page. Please fix this before continuing. |
VOLTAGE_LEVEL_BAD_VALUE=Unable to parse the voltage level %s. Please
enter a valid voltage entry. |
VOLTAGE_LEVEL_OUT_OF_RANGE=The target voltage level you have entered,
%.3f, is outside the range of the device %.3f - %.3f. |
VOLTAGES=Voltages |
continue? |
WRONG_PICkit 5_FLAVOR=Your PICkit 5 hardware needs updating please,
contactPICkit 5_Update@microchip.com
to get a replacement. |