12.5.12 External High-Frequency Oscillator Control A

Offset: 0x20
Reset: 0x00
Property: Configuration Change Protection

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bit 7 – RUNSTDBY Run Standby

This bit controls whether the External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF) is always running or not when the ENABLE bit is ‘1’.

  1. The requesting peripheral, or the main clock, must take the oscillator start-up time into account.
  2. The oscillator signal is only available if requested, and will be available after two XOSCHF cycles if the initial crystal start-up time has already ended.
0 The XOSCHF oscillator will only run when requested by a peripheral or by the main clock (1)
1 The XOSCHF oscillator will always run in Active, Idle and Standby sleep modes (2)

Bits 5:4 – CSUTHF[1:0] Crystal Start-up Time

This bit field controls the start-up time for the External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF) when the Source Select (SELHF) bit is ‘0’.
Note: This bit field is read-only when the ENABLE bit or the External Crystal/Clock Status (XOSCHFS) bit in the Main Clock Status (MCLKSTATUS) register is ‘1’.
0x0 256 256 XOSCHF cycles
0x1 1K 1K XOSCHF cycles
0x2 4K 4K XOSCHF cycles
0x3 - Reserved

Bits 3:2 – FRQRANGE[1:0] Frequency Range

This bit field controls the maximum frequency supported for the external crystal. The larger the range selected, the higher the current consumption by the oscillator.

Note: If a crystal with a frequency larger than the maximum supported CLK_CPU frequency is used and used as the main clock, it is necessary to divide it down by writing the appropriate configuration to the PDIV bit field in the Main Clock Control B register.
0x0 8M Max. 8 MHz XTAL frequency
0x1 16M Max. 16 MHz XTAL frequency
0x2 24M Max. 24 MHz XTAL frequency
0x3 32M Max. 32 MHz XTAL frequency

Bit 1 – SELHF Source Select

This bit controls the source of the External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF).

Note: This bit field is read-only when the ENABLE bit or the External Crystal/Clock Status (XOSCHFS) bit in the Main Clock Status (MCLKSTATUS) register is ‘1’.
0 XTAL External Crystal on the XTALHF1 and XTALHF2 pins
1 EXTCLK External Clock on the XTALHF1 pin

Bit 0 – ENABLE Enable

This bit controls whether the External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF) is enabled or not.

0 The XOSCHF oscillator is disabled
1 The XOSCHF oscillator is enabled and overrides normal port operation for the respective oscillator pins