Multi-Pin Configuration

The multi-pin configuration function is used to configure multiple port pins in one operation. The wanted pin configuration is first written to the PORTx.PINCONFIG register, followed by a register write with the selected pins to modify. This allows changing the configuration (PORTx.PINnCTRL) for up to eight pins in one write.
Tip: The PORTx.PINCONFIG register is mirrored on all ports, which allows the use of a single setting across multiple ports. The PORTx.PINCTRLUPD/SET/CLR registers are not mirrored and need to be applied to each port.
For the multi-pin configuration, port pins can be configured and modified by writing to the following registers.
Table 18-1. Multi-Pin Configuration Registers
PORTx.PINCONFIGPINnCTRL (ISC, PULLUPEN, INLVL and INVEN) setting to load simultaneously to multiple PINnCTRL registers
PORTx.PINCTRLUPDWriting a ‘1’ to bit n in the PINCTRLUPD register will copy the PINCONFIG register content to the PINnCTRL register
PORTx.PINCTRLSET(1)Writing a ‘1’ to bit n in the PINCTRLSET register will set the individual bits in the PINnCTRL register, according to the bits set to ‘1’ in the PINCONFIG register
PORTx.PINCTRLCLR(2)Writing a ‘1’ to bit n in the PINCTRLCLRn register will clear the individual bits in the PINnCTRL register, according to the bits set to ‘1’ in the PINCONFIG register
  1. Using PINCTRLSET to configure ISC bit fields that are non-zero will result in a bitwise OR with the PINCONFIG and PINnCTRL registers. This may give an unexpected setting.
  2. Using PINCTRLCLR to configure ISC bit fields that are non-zero will result in a bitwise inverse AND with the PINCONFIG and PINnCTRL registers. This may give an unexpected setting.