29.4.4 Definition of I2C Terminology

There is language and terminology in the description of I2C communication that have definitions specific to I2C. That word usage is defined below and may be used in the rest of this document without explanation. This table was adapted from the Philips I2C specification.

TransmitterThe device that shifts data out onto the bus
ReceiverThe device that shifts data in from the bus
HostThe device that initiates a transfer, generates clock signals and terminates a transfer
ClientThe device addressed by the host
Multi-hostA bus with more than one device that can initiate data transfers
ArbitrationProcedure to ensure that only one host at a time controls the bus. Winning arbitration ensures that the message is not corrupted.
SynchronizationProcedure to synchronize the clocks of two or more devices on the bus
IdleNo host is controlling the bus, and both SDA and SCL lines are high
ActiveAny time one or more host devices are controlling the bus
Addressed ClientClient device that has received a matching address and is actively being clocked by a host
Matching AddressAddress byte that is clocked into a client that matches the value stored in SSPxADD
Write RequestClient receives a matching address with R/W bit clear, and is ready to clock in data
Read RequestHost sends an address byte with the R/W bit set, indicating that is ready to clock out data from Client. Any number of data bytes can be transferred until a Restart or Stop.
Clock StretchingWhen a device on the bus holds SCL low to stall communication
Bus CollisionAny time the SDA line is sampled low by the module, drives the line and expects a high state