37.2.1 Standard Instruction Set

ADDFSRAdd Literal to FSRn
Syntax:[ label ] ADDFSR FSRn, k
Operands:-32 ≤ k ≤ 31;

n ∈ [ 0, 1]

Operation:FSR(n) + k → FSR(n)
Status Affected:None

The signed 6-bit literal ‘k’ is added to the contents of the FSRnH:FSRnL register pair.
FSRn is limited to the range 0000h-FFFFh. Moving beyond these bounds will cause the FSR to wrap-around.

ADDLWADD literal to W
Syntax:[ label ] ADDLW k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation:(W) + k → (W)
Status Affected:C, DC, Z
Description:The contents of W are added to the 8-bit literal ‘k’ and the result is placed in W.
Syntax:[ label ] ADDWF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(W) + (f) → dest
Status Affected:C, DC, Z

Add the contents of the W register with register ‘f’. If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is stored in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.

ADDWFCADD W and CARRY bit to f
Syntax:[ label ] ADDWFC f {,d}
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(W) + (f) + (C) → dest
Status Affected:C, DC, Z

Add W, the Carry flag and data memory location ‘f’. If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is placed in data memory location ‘f’.

ANDLWAND literal with W
Syntax:[ label ] ANDLW k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation:(W) .AND. k → (W)
Status Affected:Z

The contents of W are ANDed with the 8-bit literal ‘k’.
The result is placed in W.

Syntax:[ label ] ANDWF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(W) .AND. (f) → dest
Status Affected:Z

AND the W register with register ‘f’. If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is stored in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.

ASRFArithmetic Right Shift
Syntax:[ label ] ASRF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]


(f[7]) → dest[7]

(f[7:1]) → dest[6:0]

(f[0]) → C

Status Affected:C, Z

The contents of register ‘f’ are shifted one bit to the right through the Carry flag.
The MSb remains unchanged.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.

Register f → C

BCFBit Clear f
Syntax:[ label ] BCF f, b
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

0 ≤ b ≤ 7

Operation:0 → f[b]
Status Affected:None
Description:Bit ‘b’ in register ‘f’ is cleared.
BRARelative Branch
Syntax:[ label ] BRA label

[ label ] BRA $+k

Operands:-256 ≤ label - PC + ≤ 255

-256 ≤ k ≤ 255

Operation:(PC) + 1 + k → PC
Status Affected:None

Add the signed 9-bit literal ‘k’ to the PC.
Since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction, the new address will be PC + 1 + k.
This instruction is a two-cycle instruction. This branch has a limited range.

BRWRelative Branch with W
Syntax:[ label ] BRW
Operation:(PC) + (W) → PC
Status Affected:None

Add the contents of W (unsigned) to the PC.
Since the PC will have incremented to fetch the next instruction, the new address will be PC + 1 + (W).
This instruction is a two-cycle instruction.

BSFBit Set f
Syntax:[ label ] BSF f, b
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

0 ≤ b ≤ 7

Operation:1 → (f[b])
Status Affected:None
Description:Bit ‘b’ in register ‘f’ is set.
BTFSCBit Test File, Skip if Clear
Syntax:[ label ] BTFSC f, b
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

0 ≤ b ≤ 7

Operation:skip if (f[b]) = 0
Status Affected:None

If bit ‘b’ in register ‘f’ is ‘1’, the next instruction is executed.
If bit ‘b’, in register ‘f’, is ‘0’, the next instruction is discarded,
and a NOP is executed instead, making this a two-cycle instruction.

BTFSSBit Test File, Skip if Set
Syntax:[ label ] BTFSS f, b
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

0 ≤ b < 7

Operation:skip if (f[b]) = 1
Status Affected:None

If bit ‘b’ in register ‘f’ is ‘0’, the next instruction is executed.
If bit ‘b’ is ‘1’, then the next instruction is discarded,
and a NOP is executed instead, making this a two-cycle instruction.

CALLSubroutine Call
Syntax:[ label ] CALL k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 2047
Operation:(PC) + 1 → TOS,

k → PC[10:0],

(PCLATH[6:3]) → PC[14:11]

Status Affected:None

Call Subroutine. First, return address (PC + 1) is pushed onto the stack.
The 11-bit immediate address is loaded into PC bits [10:0].
The upper bits of the PC are loaded from PCLATH.
CALL is a two-cycle instruction.

CALLWSubroutine Call with W
Syntax:[ label ] CALLW
Operation:(PC) + 1 → TOS,

(W) → PC[7:0],

(PCLATH[6:0]) → PC[14:8]

Status Affected:None

Subroutine call with W.
First, the return address (PC + 1) is pushed onto the return stack.
Then, the contents of W is loaded into PC[7:0], and the contents of PCLATH into PC[14:8].
CALLW is a two-cycle instruction.

CLRFClear f
Syntax:[ label ] CLRF f
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127
Operation:000h → f

1 → Z

Status Affected:Z
Description:The contents of register ‘f’ are cleared and the Z bit is set.
Syntax:[ label ] CLRW
Operation:00h → (W)

1 → Z

Status Affected:Z
Description:W register is cleared. The Zero (Z) bit is set.
CLRWDTClear Watchdog Timer
Syntax:[ label ] CLRWDT
Operation:00h → WDT,

00h → WDT prescaler,

1 → TO,

1 → PD

Status Affected:TO, PD

CLRWDT instruction resets the 
Watchdog Timer.
It also resets the prescaler of the WDT.
Status bits, TO and PD, are set.

COMFComplement f
Syntax:[ label ] COMF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f) → dest
Status Affected:Z

The contents of register ‘f’ are complemented.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is stored in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.

DECFDecrement f
Syntax:[ label ] DECF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f) – 1 → dest
Status Affected: Z

Decrement register ‘f’.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is stored in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.

DECFSZDecrement f, skip if 0
Syntax:[ label ] DECFSZ f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f) – 1 → dest,

skip if result = 0


The contents of register ‘f’ are decremented.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is placed back in register ‘f’.
If the result is ‘1’, the next instruction is executed.
If the result is ‘0’, then a NOP is executed instead,
making it a two-cycle instruction.

GOTOUnconditional Branch
Syntax:[ label ] GOTO k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 2047
Operation:k → PC[10:0]

PCLATH[6:3] → PC[14:11]

Status Affected:None

GOTO is an unconditional branch.
The 11-bit immediate value is loaded into PC bits [10:0].
The upper bits of PC are loaded from PCLATH[4:3].
GOTO is a two-cycle instruction.

INCFIncrement f
Syntax:[ label ] INCF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f) + 1 → dest
Status Affected:Z

The contents of register ‘f’ are incremented.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is placed back in register ‘f’.

INCFSZIncrement f, skip if 0
Syntax:[ label ] INCFSZ f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f) + 1 → dest,

skip if result = 0

Status Affected:None

The contents of register ‘f’ are incremented.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is placed back in register ‘f’.
If the result is ‘1’, the next instruction is executed.
If the result is ‘0’, a NOP is executed instead,
making it a two-cycle instruction.

IORLWInclusive OR literal with W
Syntax:[ label ] IORLW k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation:(W) .OR. k → (W)
Status Affected:Z

The contents of W are ORed with the 8-bit literal ‘k’.
The result is placed in W.

IORWFInclusive OR W with f
Syntax:IORWF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(W) .OR. (f) → dest
Status Affected:Z

Inclusive OR the W register with register ‘f’.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is placed back in register ‘f’.

LSLFLogical Left Shift
Syntax:[ label ] LSLF f {,d}
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f[7]) → C

(f[6:0]) → dest[7:1]

0 → dest[0]

Status Affected:C, Z

The contents of register ‘f’ are shifted one bit to the left through the Carry flag.
A ‘0’ is shifted into the LSb.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.

C ← Register f ← 0

LSRFLogical Right Shift
Syntax:[ label ] LSRF f {,d}
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:0 → dest[7]

(f[7:1]) → dest[6:0],

(f[0]) → C

Status Affected:C, Z

The contents of register ‘f’ are shifted one bit to the right through the Carry flag.
A ‘0’ is shifted into the MSb.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.

0 → register f → C

MOVFMove f
Syntax:[ label ] MOVF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:f → dest
Status Affected:Z

The contents of register f is moved to a destination dependent upon the status of d.
If d = 0, destination is W register.
If d = 1, the destination is file register f itself.
d = 1 is useful to test a file register since status flag Z is affected.

After Instruction

W = value in FSR register

Z = 1

Syntax:[ label ] MOVIW ++FSRn

[ label ] MOVIW --FSRn

[ label ] MOVIW FSRn++

[ label ] MOVIW FSRn--

[ label ] MOVIW k[FSRn]

Operands:n ∈ [0,1]

mm ∈ [00,01,10,11]

-32 ≤ k ≤ 31


INDFn → (W)

Effective address is determined by
  • FSR + 1 (preincrement)
  • FSR - 1 (predecrement)
  • FSR + k (relative offset)
After the Move, the FSR value will be either:
  • FSR + 1 (all increments)
  • FSR - 1 (all decrements)
  • Unchanged
Status Affected:Z

This instruction is used to move data between W and one of the indirect registers (INDFn).
Before/after this move, the pointer (FSRn) is updated by pre/post incrementing/decrementing it.
The INDFn registers are not physical registers.
Any instruction that accesses an INDFn register actually accesses the register at the address specified by the FSRn.
FSRn is limited to the range 0000h - FFFFh.
Incrementing/decrementing it beyond these bounds will cause it to wrap-around.

MOVLBMove literal to BSR
Syntax:[ label ] MOVLB k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 127
Operation:k → BSR
Status Affected:None
Description:The 6-bit literal ‘k’ is loaded into the Bank Select Register (BSR).
MOVLPMove literal to PCLATH
Syntax:[ label ] MOVLP k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 127
Operation:k → PCLATH
Status Affected:None
Description:The 7-bit literal ‘k’ is loaded into the PCLATH register.
MOVLWMove literal to W
Syntax:[ label ] MOVLW k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation:k → (W)
Status Affected:None

The 8-bit literal ‘k’ is loaded into W register.
The “don’t cares” will assemble as ‘0’s.

After Instruction

W = 5Ah

MOVWFMove W to f
Syntax:[ label ] MOVWF f
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127
Operation:(W) → f
Status Affected:None
Description:Move data from W to register ‘f’.
Before Instruction


W = 4Fh

After Instruction

LATA = 4Fh

W = 4Fh

Syntax:[ label ] MOVWI ++FSRn

[ label ] MOVWI --FSRn

[ label ] MOVWI FSRn++

[ label ] MOVWI FSRn--

[ label ] MOVWI k[FSRn]

Operands:n ∈ [0,1]

mm ∈ [00,01,10,11]

-32 ≤ k ≤ 31


(W) → INDFn

Effective address is determined by
  • FSR + 1 (preincrement)
  • FSR - 1 (predecrement)
  • FSR + k (relative offset)
After the Move, the FSR value will be either:
  • FSR + 1 (all increments)
  • FSR - 1 (all decrements)
  • Unchanged
Status Affected:None

This instruction is used to move data between W and one of the indirect registers (INDFn).
Before/after this move, the pointer (FSRn) is updated by pre/post incrementing/decrementing it.
The INDFn registers are not physical registers.
Any instruction that accesses an INDFn register actually accesses the register at the address specified by the FSRn.
FSRn is limited to the range 0000h-FFFFh.
Incrementing/decrementing it beyond these bounds will cause it to wrap-around.
The increment/decrement operation on FSRn will not affect any Status bits.

NOPNo Operation
Syntax:[ label ] NOP
Operation:No operation
Status Affected:None
Description:No operation.
RESETSoftware Reset
Syntax:[ label ] RESET

Execute a device Reset.
Resets the RI flag of the PCON register.

Status Affected:None
Description:This instruction provides a way to execute a hardware Reset by software.
RETFIEReturn from Interrupt
Syntax:[ label ] RETFIE k
Operation:(TOS) → PC,

1 → GIE

Status Affected:None

Return from Interrupt.
Stack is POPed and Top-of-Stack (TOS) is loaded in the PC.
Interrupts are enabled by setting Global Interrupt Enable bit, GIE (INTCON[7]).
This is a two-cycle instruction.

After Interrupt


GIE = 1

RETLWReturn literal to W
Syntax:[ label ] RETLW k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation:k → (W),

(TOS) → PC,

Status Affected:None

The W register is loaded with the 8-bit literal ‘k’.
The program counter is loaded from the top of the stack (the return address).
This is a two-cycle instruction.

 	CALL TABLE			; W contains table
; offset value
; W now has
; table value
ADDWF PC			; W = offset
RETLW k1			; Begin table
RETLW k2			;
RETLW kn			; End of table
Before Instruction

W = 07h

After Instruction

W = value of k8

RETURNReturn from Subroutine
Syntax:[ label ] RETURN
Operation:(TOS) → PC,
Status Affected:None

Return from subroutine.
The stack is POPped and the top of the stack (TOS) is loaded into the Program Counter.
This is a two-cycle instruction.

RLFRotate Left f through Carry
Syntax:[ label ] RLF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f[n]) → dest[n + 1],

(f[7]) → C,

(C) → dest[0]

Status Affected:C

The contents of register ‘f’ are rotated one bit to the left through the CARRY flag.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’ (default).

REG1, 0
Before Instruction

REG1 = 1110 0110

C = 0

After Instruction

REG = 1110 0110

W = 1100 1100

C = 1

RRFRotate Right f through Carry
Syntax:[ label ] RRF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f[n]) → dest[n – 1],

(f[0]) → C,

(C) → dest[7]

Status Affected:C

The contents of register ‘f’ are rotated one bit to the right through the CARRY flag.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is placed back in register ‘f’ (default).

SLEEPEnter Sleep mode
Syntax:[ label ] SLEEP
Operation:00h → WDT,

0 → WDT prescaler,

1 → TO,

0 → PD

Status Affected:TO, PD

The Power-Down (PD) Status bit  is cleared.
The Time-Out (TO) Status bit is set.
Watchdog Timer and its prescaler are cleared.

SUBLWSubtract W from literal
Syntax:[ label ] SUBLW k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation:k – (W) → (W)
Status Affected:C, DC, Z

The W register is subtracted (two’s complement method) from the 8-bit literal ‘k’.
The result is placed in the W register.

C = 0, W > k

C = 1, W ≤ k

DC = 0, W[3:0] > k[3:0]

DC = 1, W[3:0] ≤ k[3:0]

SUBWFSubtract W from f
Syntax:[ label ] SUBWF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f) - (W) → (dest)
Status Affected:C, DC, Z

Subtract (two’s complement method) W register from register ‘f’.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is stored in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f.

C = 0, W > f

C = 1, W ≤ f

DC = 0, W[3:0] > f[3:0]

DC = 1, W[3:0] ≤ f[3:0]

SUBFWBSubtract W from f with Borrow
Syntax:[ label ] SUBFWB f {,d}
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(W) – (f) – (B) → dest
Status Affected:C, DC, Z

Subtract W and the BORROW flag (CARRY) from register ‘f’ (two’s complement method).
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is stored in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.

SWAPFSwap Nibbles in f
Syntax:[ label ] SWAPF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(f[3:0]) → dest[7:4],

(f[7:4]) → dest[3:0]

Status Affected:None

The upper and lower nibbles of register ‘f’ are exchanged.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is placed in W.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is placed in register ‘f’ (default).

TRISLoad TRIS Register with W
Syntax:[ label ] TRIS f
Operands:5 ≤ f ≤ 7
Operation:(W) → TRIS register ‘f’
Status Affected:None

Move data from W register to TRIS register.
When ‘f’ = 5, TRISA is loaded.
When ‘f’ = 6, TRISB is loaded.
When ‘f’ = 7, TRISC is loaded.

XORLWExclusive OR literal with W
Syntax:[ label ] XORLW k
Operands:0 ≤ k ≤ 255
Operation:(W) .XOR. k → (W)
Status Affected:Z

The contents of W are XORed with the 8-bit literal ‘k’.
The result is placed in W.

XORWFExclusive OR W with f
Syntax:[ label ] XORWF f, d
Operands:0 ≤ f ≤ 127

d ∈ [0,1]

Operation:(W) .XOR. (f) → dest
Status Affected:Z

Exclusive OR the contents of the W register with register ‘f’.
If ‘d’ is ‘0’, the result is stored in the W register.
If ‘d’ is ‘1’, the result is stored back in register ‘f’.