This user’s guide describes the use of the ATA8350 Demo and Evaluation kit for the ATA8350 Ultra-Wideband (UWB) transceiver device. This kit includes at least two different UWB nodes, each using a SAM Cortex®-M0 MCU to control the ATA8350 device. The Prover and Verifier nodes are set up as follows:
- Prover node – Must start before the Verifier node, and responds with a telegram once the verifier telegram is received. The measurement cycle finishes when the verifier receives the response telegram or when a timeout occurs.
- Verifier node – Shows the distance measurement data for distance-bounding measurements (single shot measurement) or localization (averaged measurement).
Demo software for distance measurements and data telegram transfer is available for this demo kit. In addition, this kit has an evaluation and a test software package.
The ATA8350 Demo and Evaluation kit comes in two variants:
- Variant A – Comes with one Prover node
- Variant B – Comes with a maximum of five Prover nodes
It also includes software applications for demo, testing and evaluation.