2.2 Half-Step
In Half-Step mode, four extra steps are inserted between the four initial full-steps, which makes the stepper motor rotate by half of its full-step angle. This effectively doubles the number of mechanical steps per revolution - for a standard 200 full-steps/revolution stepper motor, this would be 0.9° for a complete step, resulting in a smoother operation and less vibration compared to the Full-Step mode. The benefits of having a balance between simplicity, efficiency, smoothness of operation and a lower current consumption outweigh the increased complexity of the control algorithm needed for this mode. It also provides double resolution of the Full-Step mode.
Yellow and blue represent the voltages at the two ends of coil A. Green represents the current through coil A. On all three traces a low pass filtering from the oscilloscope is applied. This removes the PWM artifacts and makes visible the short time average values.