1 Application Overview
The Cubicle Doorbell utilizes the micorocontrollers’s EUSART peripherals to establish a connection between two MikroElektronika RN4678 Bluetooth® Click™ modules (based on Microchip’s RN4678 Dual Mode Bluetooth module). These modules facilitate the transfer of data which occurs when the doorbell button is pressed. When the button is pressed, the door module sends a signal via a Bluetooth connection to the desk module to alert the person inside the cubicle that someone is at the door and trying to get their attention.
The following components were used in this application:
- PIC16F18075 Microcontroller (2)
- MikroElektronika Cap Touch Click Board (Product ID: MIKROE-2888)
- Adafruit® NeoPixel® 8 x 5050 RGB LED Stick (Product ID: 1426)
- MikroElektronika RN4678 Bluetooth Click Module (2) (Product ID: MIKROE-2545)
- Microchip MPLAB® IDE v6.00
- Microchip XC8 Compiler v2.31
- Microchip MPLAB Code Configurator (Melody) v5.1.0
- MPLAB PICkit™ 4 In-Circuit Debugger (PG164140)