8.6.2 CONFIG2

Configuration Word 2
  1. The DEBUG bit is managed automatically by device development tools including debuggers and programmers. For normal device operation, this bit needs to be maintained as a ‘1’.
  2. The higher voltage selection is recommended for operation at or above 16 MHz.
  3. When enabled, Brown-out Reset voltage (VBOR) is set by the BORV bit.
Address: 0x8008

Bit 15141312111098 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 111111 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 1111111 

Bit 13 – DEBUG  Debugger Enable(1)

1 Background debugger disabled
0 Background debugger enabled

Bit 12 – STVREN Stack Overflow/Underflow Reset Enable

1 Stack Overflow or Underflow will cause a Reset
0 Stack Overflow or Underflow will not cause a Reset

Bit 11 – PPS1WAY PPSLOCKED One-Way Set Enable

1 The PPSLOCKED bit can only be set once after an unlocking sequence is executed; once PPSLOCKED is set, all future changes to PPS registers are prevented
0 The PPSLOCKED bit can be set and cleared as needed (unlocking sequence is required)

Bit 10 – ZCD Zero-Cross Detect Disable

1 ZCD disabled, ZCD can be enabled by setting the ZCDSEN bit of ZCDCON
0 ZCD always enabled

Bit 9 – BORV  Brown-Out Reset (BOR) Voltage Selection(2)

1 Brown-out Reset voltage (VBOR) set to 1.9V
0 Brown-out Reset voltage (VBOR) set to 2.65V

Bit 8 – DACAUTOEN  DAC Buffer Automatic Range Select Enable

1 DAC Buffer reference range is determined by the REFRNG bit of DACxCON
0 DAC Buffer reference range is automatically determined by module hardware

Bits 7:6 – BOREN[1:0]  Brown-Out Reset (BOR) Enable(3)

11 Brown-out Reset enabled, the SBOREN bit is ignored
10 Brown-out Reset enabled while running, disabled in Sleep; the SBOREN bit is ignored
01 Brown-out Reset enabled according to SBOREN
00 Brown-out Reset disabled

Bits 4:3 – WDTE[1:0] Watchdog Timer (WDT) Enable

11 WDT enabled regardless of Sleep; the SEN bit of WDTCON is ignored
10 WDT enabled while Sleep = 0, suspended when Sleep = 1; the SEN bit of WDTCON is ignored
01 WDT enabled/disabled by the SEN bit of WDTCON
00 WDT disabled; SEN bit of WDTCON is ignored

Bits 2:1 – PWRTS[1:0] Power-Up Timer (PWRT) Selection

11 PWRT disabled
10 PWRT is set at 64 ms
01 PWRT is set at 16 ms
00 PWRT is set at 1 ms

Bit 0 – MCLRE  Master Clear (MCLR) Enable

x If LVP = 1 MCLR pin is MCLR
1 If LVP = 0 MCLR pin is MCLR
0 If LVP = 0 MCLR pin function is port-defined function
The DEBUG bit is managed automatically by device development tools including debuggers and programmers. For normal device operation, this bit needs to be maintained as a ‘1’. The higher voltage selection is recommended for operation at or above 16 MHz. When enabled, Brown-out Reset voltage (VBOR) is set by the BORV bit.