2.2.2 Application Start

For the AVR GCC linker script to know where in the Flash to put the compiled application code, the start of the .text code section must be configured to correspond with the location of the Flash sections. The input is word-aligned, so the following numbers may be used:
  • Boot start: 0x0000 (default).
  • Application Code start: BOOTEND * 0x80.
  • Application Data start: APPEND * 0x80.
Using BOOTEND fuse setting 0x02 as an example (256 word boot size), relocation of the application code .text section is done by using the following linker option:
In Atmel® Studio 7.0, relocation can be done in Project Properties (Alt+F7) → Toolchain → AVR/GNU Linker → Memory Settings, by adding .text=0x100 to the FLASH segment, as shown in Figure 2-4.
Figure 2-4. Configure Application Section Start, AVR GCC, Atmel Studio 7.0