14.3 PIC32CX-BZ3 Device Support Component Library Help

The PIC32CX-BZ3 Device Support Component Library provides software API's for various subsystems in the PIC32CX-BZ3.

These systems include:
  • RF System - Helps in initialization, calibration and other activities for using RF Sub system
  • PMU System - Helps in setting various power modes available in the PMU System
  • Information Block - Helps in getting the factory default values of information like device/MAC address, ADC value, temperature, etc
  • Sleep System - Helps to enter or exit the sleep modes supported by the system
  • Deep Sleep System - Helps configure and enter deep sleep modes supported by the system
Additionally device component includes the following two services as sources
  • OSAL(Operating System Abstraction Layer) Extension for FreeRTOS
  • Application Idle task service