10.1 RGB LED Board Support Service

This document explains how to use the MPLAB Code Configurator(MCC) framework to add RGB LED system service component for using the RGB LED on WBZ351 Curiosity board and control its colour through TCC/TC based PWM pulses. The system service helps to add the component on any applications.


The RGB LED System service component has dependency of TCC/TC (Based on the Timer component availablity in the device) timer Plib in order to create PWM pulses based on the RGB colour values. This component, implements both HSV to RGB conversion as well as XY to RGB conversion. So, it would be useful for the Zigbee lighting control where Zigbee ZCL specification supports both HSV and XY colour co-ordinates.

Hardware Required

Table 10-1. 
WBZ351Curiosity Board1
Micro USB cable1

Hardware Modification

A simple hardware modification is needed to use RGB LED on WBZ351 Curiosity board. WBZ351 Curiosity boards has on-board RGB LED on PB0, PB3, PB5 pins. But, these pins are multiplexed with CVD Touch functionality. Hence the connection to R and B LED's are disconnected by default on the board. Mount 0 ohm resistor or make the solder connection on R92 and R95 resistor position as shown below.

Note: If these resistors are mounted, PB0 and PB5 pins can not be used for CVD Touch input.

SDK Setup

  1. Getting Started with Software Development

Developing an Application with RGB LED SERVICE component using MPLAB Code Configurator(MCC)

This section explains the steps required by a user to integrate and use the RGB LED SERVICE component into any application.

Tip: New users of MPLAB Code Configurator (MCC) are recommended to go through the overview of MCC. Users can add/remove different components like peripheral support and other wireless functionality by following steps mentioned here.

  1. Create a new MCC Harmony Project -- link for instructions
  2. Ensure that wireless_system_pic32cxbz_wbz repo is available locally in the H3 repo environment.
  3. Open MCC. The Wireless Board Support components will be displayed in available Device Resources --> Wireless --> Board Support as shown in the below figure.
  4. Drag RGB LED SERVICE component from Device Resources to project graph area and accept all Dependencies or satisfiers(auto-activation components), select "Yes".
  5. RGB LED SERVICE connects with TCC/TC component and does the PWM pulse configurations. Uses default Clock configuration for TCC/TC. For example, for TCC component, REFO1 with 64MHz clock is given to TCC. With this configuration, the PWM pulse frequency is 977 (period: 1023.98uSec). By changing the Clock frequency will change the PWM pulse frequency.
    Note: Refer to device datasheet for PWM pulse frequency calculation
  6. There will be a warning note on the RGB LED SERVICE component. Satisfy the warning by configuring the needed Pins connected to R,G,B LED's for the PWM waveform output.
    Note: Refer for device datasheet PPS chapter for pin configuration
    For WBZ351 curiosity board,
  7. Generate the code. Refer link for more details.
  8. After generating the program source from MCC interface by clicking Generate Code, the RGB LED service can be found in the following project directories.
  9. Compile and Run the project on the board


The below API's are available from RGB LED component, to be called from application where ever needed.

  1. Turn off RGB LED.

    void RGB_LED_Off(void);

  2. Set brightness level

    void RGB_LED_SetBrightnessLevel(uint8_t level);

  3. Set the color using Hue and Saturation as parameters

    void RGB_LED_SetLedColorHS(uint16_t hue, uint8_t saturation);

  4. Set the color using Hue, Saturation and brightness level as parameters

    void RGB_LED_SetLedColorHSV(uint8_t hue, uint8_t saturation, uint8_t level);

  5. Set the color using X and Y as parameters

    void RGB_LED_SetLedColorXY(uint16_t x, uint16_t y);