9.5.2 Tool Description

Zigbee OTAU Tab

The following figure provides details of this tab. Description of each button and text box is provided in the following figure:

Figure 9-86. Figure 1: Zigbee OTAU Tab.

The previous Figure 1 shows details of each button and text boxes. Details are provided for Zigbee OTAU function, Serial Port connection, UART Rx Display Box and related functions, Programming *.hex file through IPECMD.exe in this Tab. Details for item #12 and item#18 are given below


  • Zigbee Update: This button is used to start the Zigbee update process

  • Cancel Update: This button is used to cancel Zigbee update process

  • Clear Devlist: clear out device list

  • Open The Network: send setPermitJoin 180/ invokeCommissioning 8 0 commands to open network for 180 ms

  • Create NewNetwork: send resetToFN command to open new network for 180 sec. Issuing this command deletes old network information in the Zigbee Server.

Item # 18

  • Select All: Select all items in the display box

  • Select Items: press Ctrl and click mouse on lines in display box to select items.

  • Copy Selected: Copy selected items on Clip Board

  • Clear: Remove all the texts from display box

  • Copy All: Copy all the texts from the display box

Serial Bootloader Tab

The following figure provides details of this tab. Description of each button and text box is provided in the figure.

Figure 9-87. Figure 2: Serial Bootloader.

Device can enter in Bootloader mode either through GPIO (button press) or waiting for specified amount of time after rebooting the device. Both the scenarios are handled in this tab.