4.1.1 Central

BLE Central devices discover and listen to BLE devices that are advertising. These devices are capable of establishing connection to peripherals. Central devices are also capable of establishing multiple connections(multilink) at the same time. There are certain use cases where a connection between the devices (Peripheral and Central) is not essential and scanning (Receive only, no transmit) feature alone is sufficient. These type of devices are called observers.
Note: It is recommended that new users of MPLAB Code Configurator go through the Overview


Install toolchain and harmony components documented in Getting Started with Software Development .


  1. FreeRTOS and BLE Stack Setup
    • Create a new MCC Harmony project

    • configure Harmony components like FreeRTOS and BLE Stack

    • Initiate BLE Stack

  2. Adding UART

    • Print Hello World

  3. Legacy Scan

    • Receive Data Payload using BLE Legacy Scan(no BLE connection)

  4. Scan Extended Advertisment

    • Receive Data Payload using BLE Extended Scan(no BLE connection)

  5. Connection

    • Configure stack for Central Functionality

    • Connection between Peripheral and Central Device

  6. Profiles and services