5.1.1 Counter Command

The Counter command reads the binary count value from one of the two monotonic counters located on the device within the Configuration zone. The maximum value that the counter may have is 2,097,151. Any attempt to count beyond this value will result in an error code. The counter is designed to never lose counts even if the power is interrupted during the counting operation. In some power loss conditions, the counter may increment by a value of more than one.

For the ATECC608A-TNGLoRaWAN, the counters are not attached to any keys but may still be used by the system. Each count is set to its default value and can count to the maximum value.

Table 5-3. Input Parameters Count

(1 Byte)

(1 Byte)

(2 Bytes)

0x240x000x00 00Reads the value of Counter[0]
0x00 01Reads the value of Counter[1]
0x010x00 00Increments the value of Counter[0]
0x00 01Increments the value of Counter[1]
Table 5-4. Output Response Count
Count4 bytesCounter value in binary if the command succeeds.
Response1 byteError code if the command fails.