15.5.3 User Channel MUX

Each event user can be connected to one channel and several users can be connected to the same channel. The following table lists all Event System users with their corresponding user ID number and name. The user name is given by combining USER with Peripheral and Input from the table below in the following way: USERPERIPHERALINPUT.

USER #User NameAsync/SyncDescription
0x00CCLLUT0AAsyncCCL LUT0 event input A
0x01LUT0BCCL LUT0 event input B
0x02LUT1ACCL LUT1 event input A
0x03LUT1BCCL LUT1 event input B
0x04LUT2ACCL LUT2 event input A
0x05LUT2BCCL LUT2 event input B
0x06LUT3ACCL LUT3 event input A
0x07LUT3BCCL LUT3 event input B
0x08LUT4A(1)CCL LUT4 event input A
0x09LUT4B(1)CCL LUT4 event input B
0x0ALUT5A(1)CCL LUT5 event input A
0x0BLUT5B (1)CCL LUT5 event input B
0x0CADC0STARTAsyncADC start on event
0x0DPTCSTARTAsyncPTC start on event
0x0EEVSYSEVOUTAAsyncEVSYS pin output A
0x0FEVOUTB(1)Event output B
0x10EVOUTCEvent output C
0x11EVOUTDEvent output D
0x12EVOUTE(1)Event output E
0x13EVOUTF(1)Event output F
0x14EVOUTG (1)Event output G
0x15USART0IRDASyncUSART0 IrDA event input
0x16USART1IRDAUSART1 IrDA event input
0x17USART2IRDAUSART2 IrDA event input
0x18USART3IRDAUSART3 IrDA event input
0x19USART4IRDAUSART4 IrDA event input
0x1AUSART5IRDAUSART5 IrDA event input
0x1BTCA0CNTASyncCount on event or control count direction
0x1CCNTBRestart on event or control count direction
0x1DTCA1(1)CNTASyncCount on event or control count direction
0x1ECNTBRestart on event or control count direction
0x1FTCB0CAPTBoth(2)Start, stop, capture, restart or clear counter
0x20COUNTSyncCount on event
0x21TCB1CAPTBoth(2)Start, stop, capture, restart or clear counter
0x22COUNTSyncCount on event
0x23TCB2CAPTBoth(2)Start, stop, capture, restart or clear counter
0x24COUNTSyncCount on event
0x25TCB3(1)CAPTBoth(2)Start, stop, capture, restart or clear counter
0x26COUNTSyncCount on event
0x27TCB4(1)CAPTBoth(2)Start, stop, capture, restart or clear counter
0x28COUNTSyncCount on event
0x29TCD0INPUTAAsyncFault or capture
0x2AINPUTBFault or capture
  1. Not all peripheral instances are available for all pin counts. Refer to the Peripherals and Architecture section for details.
  2. Depends on the timer operational mode.
Name: USER
Offset: 0x20 + n*0x01 [n=0..42]
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 7:0 – USER[7:0] User Channel Selection

Configures which Event System channel the user is connected to.
0OFF, no channel is connected to this Event System user
nThe event user is connected to CHANNEL(n-1)