3.5.1 Interrupt Vectors in ATmega640/1280/1281/2560/2561
A clarification for the source names of the Interrupt vectors has been made to comply with the header file naming convention.
Vector No | Program Address(2) | Source | Interrupts definition |
1 | 0x0000(1) | RESET | External pin, Power-on Reset, Brown-out Reset, Watchdog Reset and JTAG AVR Reset. |
2 | 0x0002 | INT0 | External Interrupt Request 0 |
3 | 0x0004 | INT1 | External Interrupt Request 1 |
4 | 0x0006 | INT2 | External Interrupt Request 2 |
5 | 0x0008 | INT3 | External Interrupt Request 3 |
6 | 0x000A | INT4 | External Interrupt Request 4 |
7 | 0x000C | INT5 | External Interrupt Request 5 |
8 | 0x000E | INT6 | External Interrupt Request 6 |
8 | 0x0010 | INT7 | External Interrupt Request 7 |
9 | 0x0012 | PCINT0 | Pin Change Interrupt Request 0 |
10 | 0x0014 | PCINT1 | Pin Change Interrupt Request 1 |
11 | 0x0016(3) | PCINT2 | Pin Change Interrupt Request 2 |
12 | 0x0018 | WDT | Watchdog Time-out Interrupt |
13 | 0x001A | TIMER2_COMPA | Timer/Counter2 Compare Match A |
14 | 0x001C | TIMER2_COMPB | Timer/Counter2 Compare Match B |
15 | 0x001E | TIMER2_OVF | Timer/Counter2 Overflow |
16 | 0x0020 | TIMER1_CAPT | Timer/Counter1 Capture Event |
17 | 0x0022 | TIMER1_COMPA | Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A |
18 | 0x0024 | TIMER1_COMPB | Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B |
19 | 0x0026 | TIMER1_COMPC | Timer/Counter1 Compare Match C |
20 | 0x0028 | TIMER1_OVF | Timer/Counter1 Overflow |
21 | 0x002A | TIMER0_COMPA | Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A |
22 | 0x002C | TIMER0_COMPB | Timer/Counter0 Compare Match B |
23 | 0x002E | TIMER0_OVF | Timer/Counter0 Overflow |
24 | 0x0030 | SPI_STC | SPI Serial Transfer Complete |
25 | 0x0032 | USART0_RX | USART0 Receive complete |
26 | 0x0034 | USART0_UDRE | USART0 Data Register Empty |
27 | 0x0036 | USART0_TX | USART0 Transmit complete |
28 | 0x0038 | ANALOG_COMP | Analog Comparator |
30 | 0x003A | ADC | ADC Conversion complete |
31 | 0x003C | EE_READY | EEPROM Ready |
32 | 0x003E | TIMER3_CAPT | Timer/Counter3 Capture Event |
33 | 0x0040 | TIMER3_COMPA | Timer/Counter3 Compare Match A |
34 | 0x0042 | TIMER3_COMPB | Timer/Counter3 Compare Match B |
35 | 0x0044 | TIMER3_COMPC | Timer/Counter3 Compare Match C |
36 | 0x0046 | TIMER3_OVF | Timer/Counter3 Overflow |
37 | 0x0048 | USART1_RX | USART1 Receive complete |
38 | 0x004A | USART1_UDRE | USART1 Data Register Empty |
39 | 0x004C | USART1_TX | USART1 Transmit complete |
40 | 0x004E | TWI | 2-Wire Serial Interface |
41 | 0x0050 | SPM_READY | Store Program Memory Ready |
42 | 0x0052(3) | TIMER4_CAPT | Timer/Counter4 Capture Event |
43 | 0x0054 | TIMER4_COMPA | Timer/Counter4 Compare Match A |
44 | 0x0056 | TIMER4_COMPB | Timer/Counter4 Compare Match B |
45 | 0x0058 | TIMER4_COMPC | Timer/Counter4 Compare Match C |
46 | 0x005A | TIMER4_OVF | Timer/Counter4 Overflow |
47 | 0x005C(3) | TIMER5_CAPT | Timer/Counter5 Capture Event |
48 | 0x005E | TIMER5_COMPA | Timer/Counter5 Compare Match A |
49 | 0x0060 | TIMER5_COMPB | Timer/Counter5 Compare Match B |
50 | 0x0062 | TIMER5_COMPC | Timer/Counter5 Compare Match C |
51 | 0x0064 | TIMER5_OVF | Timer/Counter5 Overflow |
52 | 0x0066(3) | USART2_RX | USART2 Receive complete |
53 | 0x0068(3) | USART2_UDRE | USART2 Data Register Empty |
54 | 0x006A(3) | USART2_TX | USART2 Transmit complete |
55 | 0x006C(3) | USART3_RX | USART3 Receive complete |
56 | 0x006E(3) | USART3_UDRE | USART3 Data Register Empty |
57 | 0x0070(3) | USART3_TX | USART3 Transmit complete |
- When the BOOTRST fuse is programmed, the device will jump to the boot loader address at Reset. See “Boot Loader Support – Read-While-Write Self- Programming”.
- When setting the IVSEL bit in MCUCR, Interrupt Vectors will be moved to the start of the boot Flash section. The address of each Interrupt Vector will then be the address in this table added to the start address of the boot Flash section.
- Only available in ATmega640/1280/2560.