3.5.1 Interrupt Vectors in ATmega640/1280/1281/2560/2561

A clarification for the source names of the Interrupt vectors has been made to comply with the header file naming convention.

Table 3-3. Reset and Interrupt Vectors in ATmega640/1280/1281/2560/2561
Vector No Program Address(2) Source Interrupts definition
1 0x0000(1) RESET External pin, Power-on Reset, Brown-out Reset, Watchdog Reset and JTAG AVR Reset.
2 0x0002 INT0 External Interrupt Request 0
3 0x0004 INT1 External Interrupt Request 1
4 0x0006 INT2 External Interrupt Request 2
5 0x0008 INT3 External Interrupt Request 3
6 0x000A INT4 External Interrupt Request 4
7 0x000C INT5 External Interrupt Request 5
8 0x000E INT6 External Interrupt Request 6
8 0x0010 INT7 External Interrupt Request 7
9 0x0012 PCINT0 Pin Change Interrupt Request 0
10 0x0014 PCINT1 Pin Change Interrupt Request 1
11 0x0016(3) PCINT2 Pin Change Interrupt Request 2
12 0x0018 WDT Watchdog Time-out Interrupt
13 0x001A TIMER2_COMPA Timer/Counter2 Compare Match A
14 0x001C TIMER2_COMPB Timer/Counter2 Compare Match B
15 0x001E TIMER2_OVF Timer/Counter2 Overflow
16 0x0020 TIMER1_CAPT Timer/Counter1 Capture Event
17 0x0022 TIMER1_COMPA Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A
18 0x0024 TIMER1_COMPB Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B
19 0x0026 TIMER1_COMPC Timer/Counter1 Compare Match C
20 0x0028 TIMER1_OVF Timer/Counter1 Overflow
21 0x002A TIMER0_COMPA Timer/Counter0 Compare Match A
22 0x002C TIMER0_COMPB Timer/Counter0 Compare Match B
23 0x002E TIMER0_OVF Timer/Counter0 Overflow
24 0x0030 SPI_STC SPI Serial Transfer Complete
25 0x0032 USART0_RX USART0 Receive complete
26 0x0034 USART0_UDRE USART0 Data Register Empty
27 0x0036 USART0_TX USART0 Transmit complete
28 0x0038 ANALOG_COMP Analog Comparator
30 0x003A ADC ADC Conversion complete
31 0x003C EE_READY EEPROM Ready
32 0x003E TIMER3_CAPT Timer/Counter3 Capture Event
33 0x0040 TIMER3_COMPA Timer/Counter3 Compare Match A
34 0x0042 TIMER3_COMPB Timer/Counter3 Compare Match B
35 0x0044 TIMER3_COMPC Timer/Counter3 Compare Match C
36 0x0046 TIMER3_OVF Timer/Counter3 Overflow
37 0x0048 USART1_RX USART1 Receive complete
38 0x004A USART1_UDRE USART1 Data Register Empty
39 0x004C USART1_TX USART1 Transmit complete
40 0x004E TWI 2-Wire Serial Interface
41 0x0050 SPM_READY Store Program Memory Ready
42 0x0052(3) TIMER4_CAPT Timer/Counter4 Capture Event
43 0x0054 TIMER4_COMPA Timer/Counter4 Compare Match A
44 0x0056 TIMER4_COMPB Timer/Counter4 Compare Match B
45 0x0058 TIMER4_COMPC Timer/Counter4 Compare Match C
46 0x005A TIMER4_OVF Timer/Counter4 Overflow
47 0x005C(3) TIMER5_CAPT Timer/Counter5 Capture Event
48 0x005E TIMER5_COMPA Timer/Counter5 Compare Match A
49 0x0060 TIMER5_COMPB Timer/Counter5 Compare Match B
50 0x0062 TIMER5_COMPC Timer/Counter5 Compare Match C
51 0x0064 TIMER5_OVF Timer/Counter5 Overflow
52 0x0066(3) USART2_RX USART2 Receive complete
53 0x0068(3) USART2_UDRE USART2 Data Register Empty
54 0x006A(3) USART2_TX USART2 Transmit complete
55 0x006C(3) USART3_RX USART3 Receive complete
56 0x006E(3) USART3_UDRE USART3 Data Register Empty
57 0x0070(3) USART3_TX USART3 Transmit complete
  1. When the BOOTRST fuse is programmed, the device will jump to the boot loader address at Reset. See “Boot Loader Support – Read-While-Write Self- Programming”.
  2. When setting the IVSEL bit in MCUCR, Interrupt Vectors will be moved to the start of the boot Flash section. The address of each Interrupt Vector will then be the address in this table added to the start address of the boot Flash section.
  3. Only available in ATmega640/1280/2560.