1.10.1 Filters 8-11 Will Erroneously Accept Incoming Messages With SID of 0x000

When using the CAN RX filters 8-11, any messages where the incoming message after masking is SID 0x000 will trigger a filter match, regardless of the filter ID settings. For example: an incoming message with ID of 0x350 and a mask setting of 0x00F will trigger a filter match regardless of other mask/filter settings. This will occur even if the filter is set to only accept extended IDs.

Work around

If using CAN RX filters 8-11, check the FILHIT bits of C1VECH (or the received message object) upon message reception. If the value of FILHIT is greater than 11, then this error has occurred and the message can be ignored and discarded.

Affected Silicon Revisions

B3 B4 B5 C0