The PIC18F27/47/57Q83 devices that you have received conform functionally to the current device data sheet (DS40002265C), except for the anomalies described in this document.

The silicon issues discussed in the following pages are for silicon revisions with the Device and Revision IDs listed in the table below.

The errata described in this document will be addressed in future revisions of the PIC18F27/47/57Q83 silicon.

Note: This document summarizes all silicon errata issues from all revisions of silicon, previous as well as current.
Table . Silicon Device Identification
Part Number Device ID Revision ID
B3 B4 B5 C0
PIC18F27Q83 0x9909 0xA043 0xA044 0xA045 0xA080
PIC18F47Q83 0x990A 0xA043 0xA044 0xA045 0xA080
PIC18F57Q83 0x990B 0xA043 0xA044 0xA045 0xA080
Important: Refer to the Device/Revision ID section in the current “PIC18-Q83/84 Family Programming Specification” (DS40002137) for more detailed information on Device Identification and Revision IDs for a specific device.
Table . Silicon Issue Summary
Module Feature Item No. Issue Summary Affected Revisions
B3 B4 B5 C0
UTMR Hardware Reset condition 1.1.1  Reset does not happen at period match when the prescaler > 0 X
Level-triggered ERS Start/Reset condition 1.1.2  Dead zone exists in level-triggered Start/Reset condition when an ERS signal is generated due to an SFR access X X X X
Hardware Reset condition 1.1.3  Reset does not happen at period match when the prescaler > 0 and the timer stops at period match (includes One Shot mode) X X X X
Pulse output 1.1.4  Pulse output does not occur at period match when the prescaler = 1 X X X
Clear Command 1.1.5  Clear Command may not work properly X X X X
I2C Start and Stop Interrupt Function 1.2.1  The I2C Start and/or Stop flags may be set when I2C is enabled X X X X
SMT Reset Bit 1.3.1  SMT Stops working if RST is set while prescaler setting is not zero X X X X
ADCC with Context Double Sample Conversions 1.4.1  An unexpected acquisition time is added between the first and second conversion X X X X
PIC18 Core FSR Shadow Registers 1.5.1  FSR shadow registers are not writable X X X X
UART Stop bit 1.6.1  TXDE signal may go low before the STOP bit has been entirely transmitted X X X X
ICD Single-Step Function (SSTEP) 1.7.1  Single Step function does not execute at Software Breakpoint X X X X
PWM PWM Mode 1.8.1  Wrong Duty Cycle for CCP Module X X X X
ICSP Low-Voltage Programming (LVP) 1.9.1  Low-Voltage Programming is not possible when VDD is below BORV while BOR is enabled X X X X
CAN Masks/Filters 1.10.1  Filters 8-11 will erroneously accept incoming messages with SID of 0x000 X X X
Note: Only those issues indicated in the last column apply to the current silicon revision.