1 MPLAB® Harmony 3 Motor Control Application Examples for SAM E7x/S7x/V7x Family

MPLAB® Harmony 3 is an extension of the MPLAB® ecosystem for creating embedded firmware solutions for Microchip 32-bit SAM and PIC32 microcontroller and microprocessor devices. Refer to the following links for more information.

This repository contains the MPLAB® Harmony 3 Motor Control application examples for SAM E7x/S7x/V7x family. Users can use these examples as a reference for developing their own motor control applications. Refer to the following links for release notes and licensing information.

Contents Summary

appsDemonstration applications for Motor Control.

Motor Control Application Examples

Configurable Motor Control Examples (MCC with Harmony QSpin Motor Control )

The following applications are provided to demonstrate the Harmony QSpin to generate the motor control firmware.

NameDescriptionControl BoardInverter Board
PMSM FOC using PLL EstimatorSensorless Field Oriented Control of PMSM using PLL EstimatorATSAME70 Motor Control Plugin Module

dsPICDEM™ MCLV-2 Support

dsPICDEM™ MCHV-3 Support

PMSM FOC using Quadrature EncoderSensored Field Oriented Control of PMSM using Quadrature EncoderATSAME70 Motor Control Plugin Module

dsPICDEM™ MCLV-2 Support

dsPICDEM™ MCHV-3 Support

PMSM FOC using Sliding Mode ObserverSensorless Field Oriented Control of PMSM using Sliding Mode ObserverATSAME70 Motor Control Plugin ModuledsPICDEM™ MCLV-2 Support