5.2 Multiprotocol Application Demo: Zigbee Light and Zigbee Commissioning through BLE

WBZ451 Curiosity Board

Device: PIC32CX1012BZ25048 (MCU) on WBZ451 Module

On-Board: Analog Temperature Sensor, RGB LED, User Button, User LED and UART-USB Converter

Figure 5-30. WBZ451 Curiosity Board

Hardware Block Diagram - Curiosity Board


Hardware Requirement

Table 5-3. Hardware Requirement
Tool Qty
WBZ451 Curiosity Board(1)2
Micro USB cable2
Android/iOS Mobile1
Amazon Echo Plus(1)1
  1. Amazon Echo Plus acts as gateway. If Echo Plus is not available use the WBZ451 Curiosity board programmed with “Combined interface” application example as a Gateway.

Software Requirement

Smartphone App

  • Microchip Bluetooth Data (MBD) iOS/Android app available in Stores
  • Alexa App installed on android/iOS mobile phone if Amazon Echo plus is used as Gateway

Programming the Precompiled Hex File or Application Example

To run the demo, use a Zigbee network formed by Coordinator/Zigbee Gateway.

Any third-party Gateway like Amazon Echo Plus can also be used as Zigbee Gateway. If Amazon Echo plus is not available, one of the WBZ451 Curiosity boards can be programmed with Combined Interface pre-compiled image, which acts as Zigbee Gateway. Amazon Echo Plus Gateway as well as the WBZ451 Curiosity board based Combined Interface Gateway solutions are explained in the following demo steps.

To run the demo using Combined Interface as Gateway, two devices are required as described below:

  1. Combined Interface: One of the WBZ451 Curiosity boards is programmed with Combined Interface which can act as Zigbee Gateway/Coordinator. Program the CI pre-compiled hex image by following the steps mentioned in the “Programming the precompiled hex file or Application Example” section of the Zigbee Centralized Network Formation by Combined Interface application, on one curiosity board.
  2. Combo Light: Another WBZ451 Curiosity board programmed with combo light application which can act as Zigbee Router. The following steps are for programming combo light application on another curiosity board.

Programming the .hex File using MPLAB X IPE

  1. Import and program the precompiled .hex file is located in "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\hex" folder
  2. For more details on the steps, go to Programming a Device
    Note: Users must choose the correct device and tool information

Programming the Application using MPLAB X IDE

  1. Follow steps mentioned in the Running a Precompiled Example section.
  2. Open and program the application example "ble_zigbee_light_prov.X" located in "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\firmware" using MPLAB X IDE

    For more details on finding the Harmony content path, refer to Installing the MCC Plugin

Demo Description

This application demonstrates the multi-protocol (concurrent operation of both Zigbee and BLE stacks) functionality of PIC32CXBZ2 family of devices and modules. The Zigbee commissioning over BLE uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) link to exchange Zigbee commission data and run both Zigbee and BLE tasks simultaneously under FreeRTOS. The local Zigbee lights (on board RGB LED) can be controlled over BLE or from Zigbee network. Multi-protocol can also be referred to as "combo" for ease of readability in this doc.

Figure 5-31. Demonstration
Figure 5-32. Demo Application Sequence Diagram

BLE Light Control (Zigbee Device is not yet Commissioned):

  • If the combo device is not yet commissioned and not connected to Zigbee network, still would be able to control the RGB LED through BLE using BLE Sensor feature of MBD (Microchip Bluetooth Data) mobile app.

Zigbee Device Commissioning:

  • By connecting the device to the BLE Provisioner feature of MBD mobile app, the Zigbee part of combo device can be commissioned and brought to the existing Zigbee network or can create new Zigbee network (if there is no nearby network).

Zigbee Local Light Control (Zigbee Device is Commissioned):

  • Combo light RGB LED can be controlled from Zigbee Gateway of the same network.
  • RGB LED can also be controlled through BLE using BLE Sensor feature of MBD app.
  • When the light status is changed from BLE, the light change report will be sent to Zigbee Gateway through Zigbee communication.
  • When the light status is changed from Zigbee Gateway through Zigbee communication, the light status will be notified to BLE Sensor app if it is connected.

Any third-party Gateway like Amazon Echo Plus can also be used as Zigbee Gateway. If Amazon Echo plus is not available, one of the WBZ451 Curiosity board can be programmed with Combined Interface pre-compiled image, which acts as Zigbee Gateway. Amazon Echo Plus Gateway as well as the WBZ451 Curiosity board based Combined Interface Gateway solutions are explained in the following demo steps.

On-Board Resource Usage

Table 5-4. On-Board Resource Usage
Sensor Peripheral Used I/O Pin Comment
LED ControlTC2 (WO0, WO1), TC3 (WO0) in PWM ModePB0, PB3, PB5RGB LED color control.
SwitchEXTINT0PB4SW1 button in curiosity board to do Reset To Factory new
Temperature SensorADCPB6Read the room temperature from the MCP9700A sensor available in curiosity board
TimerRTOS Systick TimerPeriodic timer functionality to initiate the sensor read operation and for Adv User LED control
User LEDGPIOPB7User LED in curiosity board. To indicate BLE advertisement/connect status

Demo Steps

Hardware and Software Setup

  1. Supply power to the WBZ451 Curiosity board consisting of Combo light application by connecting a USB cable. Power Supply (PS) Green LED will turn on when connected to the PC.
    Figure 5-33. Curiosity Board Power Supply
  2. Open TeraTerm and configure as mentioned below:
    Terminal Settings
    • Baud Rate/Speed – 115200 (as configured in SERCOM configuration)
    • Parity – None
    • Data Bits – 8
    • Stop Bits – 1
    • Flow Control – None

    For more details on how to set the “Serial Port” and “Speed”, refer to COM Port Setup

    Additionally, local echo and sending line ends with line feeds shall be enabled in the PC serial terminal application.
    Figure 5-34. Terminal Setup

Demo Steps: Commissioning

The combo light can be connected to any Zigbee Gateway.
  1. Discovery of Combo Light from Amazon Echo Plus: follow this section if Amazon Echo Plus acts as Zigbee Gateway.
  2. Discovery of Combo Light from the WBZ451 Combined Interface (CI) gateway: follow this section if the WBZ451 based Combined Interface acts as a Gateway.

Discovery of Combo Light from Amazon Echo Plus

  1. Voice Commands: Open Alexa to discover the Light device. Say Discover my devices or follow the steps described below.
  2. Alexa App:

    • Launch Alexa app, from the menu, select Add Device.
    • Select the type of smart home device Light and select Other.
    • Initiate Discover Devices
    • Input command: resetToFN on light device (Tera Term). The Light will be discovered and shown as light in Alexa app as illustrated below.
      Figure 5-35. Discovering Devices
    Note: Echo Plus is in the Discovery mode for 45 secs. Devices (Lights/other) wanting to join Echo Plus must initiate joining/connecting procedure within this time limit for a successful connection.

Discovery of Combo Light from the WBZ451 Combined Interface (CI) Gateway

  • Supply power to another WBZ451 Curiosity board which is programmed with Combined Interface image by connecting a USB cable. Power Supply (PS) Green LED will turn ON when connected to the PC.
  • Follow Step 2 of Hardware and Software Setup section for UART terminal Setup
  • Input command: resetToFN and look for the below logs for successful Zigbee network formation on CI
    Figure 5-36. Tera Term
  • CI will open up the network for other Zigbee devices to join for first 180 secs from the first powerON. If commissioning of Combo Light is initiated after this 180 sec, Combo Light will not get joined. This is same as Alexa saying “Discovering and put the device is pairing mode”. To open up the network after 180 sec, send the below commands in CI, before commissioning is initiated in combo device.

    1. setPermitJoin 180: This command opens up the network for next 180 sec
    2. invokeCommissioning 8 0: This command opens up the network for "Finding and Binding procedure"
      Figure 5-37. Example: Commands

Connecting Combo Light to Zigbee Gateway (Echo plus or Combined Interface) through BLE Commissioning
  1. Launch MBD Microchip Bluetooth Data app from mobile. Open BLE Provisioning feature and scan for the devices.
    1. Look for the device labeled as “COMBO_LIGHT_XXXX” in the scan results.
      Note: “XXXX” represents a unique number associated with this combo device
    2. Establish a connection with the device and refer to the subsequent screenshots provided for guidance on the commissioning process.
  2. Observe that the Blue "User LED" will be solid ON when device is connected to the mobile app.
  3. Observe that RGB LED will be blinking when the device joins/forms a network at the interval of 1 sec for next 180 sec. This indication is required as per Zigbee specification.
    • The Combo Light is configured with default primary channel mask (11,15,20,25) as per Zigbee specification. The channel configuration from mobile app is needed only when the Gateway channel is not in any of the default channels.
    • If commissioning procedure, does not find the nearby network (for example, Echo Plus), try to find the channel of the network, and configure the same channel while commissioning
    Figure 5-38. MBD App
    Figure 5-39. MBD App
  4. When the Combo Light is joined to an existing network/formed its own network, the device state can be seen as “Commissioned” as illustarted in the above figure.
  5. Success log on Combo Light when commissioned with Echo plus

    Figure 5-40. Tera Term
    Figure 5-41. Alexa
  6. Success log on Combo Light when commissioned with Combined Interface
    Figure 5-42. Combined Interface
    Figure 5-43. Combo Light
  7. Status messages during commissioning: below status messages can be observed during the commissioning procedure based on the conditions.
    • Device Joined to an existing network

      Figure 5-44. Joined to Existing Network
    • Device formed its own network.

      Figure 5-45. Device Forming New Network
      When the commissioning procedures is initiated, the Combo Device search for any nearby network to get joined. If it does not find any network, then it form its own new network, since Zigbee light has the capability of forming its own distributed network.
    • Fail Status: commissioning has failed (did not join/create own network)

      Figure 5-46. Commissioning Failed
Other Features in “BLE Provisioner” App
  • Info page shows some useful information like device type, current channel, device IEEE address and device state (Commissioned, Not-Commissioned)

  • Device name can be changed to any user preference name. While the device is scanned from MBD app, this device name will be seen in the scanned list. The name can be changed irrespective of commissioning state

  • Re-Commissioning : If the Combo Light already joined to a network, and wanting to recommission to new network, the current networking related information to be deleted from NVM (Nonvolatile memory). Connect the Combo Device from “BLE Provisioner” feature from MBD app, and press on Factory Reset. This delets networking information and the device resets. Connect with Combo Light again and do the commissioning by following the step 3 and 4.
    Figure 5-47. Factory Reset
    Note: If the Combo Light was joined to an Echo Plus previously, remember to remove the light info from Alexa app before initiating the recommissioning.

Demo Steps: Light Control

RGB LED on the WBZ451 Curiosity board is tied with Zigbee and BLE functionality. The LED color and brightness can be changed through Zigbee network as well as from mobile app through BLE. The RGB color is synced with both Zigbee and BLE network.

  1. RGB color control from “BLE Sensor” feature of MBD mobile app
    1. Launch MBD Microchip Bluetooth Data app from mobile.

    2. Open BLE Sensor feature and scan for the devices.

    3. Look for the device labeled as “COMBO_LIGHT_XXXX” in the scan results.
      Note: “XXXX” represents a unique number associated with this combo device
    4. Establish a connection with the device and refer to the subsequent screenshots provided for guidance on thelight control.
    5. Observe that the Blue "User LED" will be solid ON when device is connected to mobile app.
    6. The BLE Sensor mobile app will show the temperature (deg C) and LED status received from device, as well as allows the user to vary the RGB color and brightness

      Figure 5-48. Light Control
  2. RGB color control from Alexa
    1. Either through voice commands like
      • "Alexa, Turn on my first light"
      • "Alexa, Change color of my first light to "GREEN""
      • "Alexa, increase the brightness of my first light"
      • or from Alexa app the RGB LED can be controlled through Zigbee network.
      • When the color is changed from Alexa, if combo light is connected with “BLE Sensor” mobile app, the changed color can be seen in mobile app as well.
      • If color is changed from “BLE Sensor” (MBD app), it will be reflected in Alexa app. There may be delay in syncing, since it depends on read attribute request from Alexa as explained in the below note and hence, expect max 20 sec of delay.
    • Echo Plus does the Zigbee binding only for ON/OFF and Level Control Clusters. The color control cluster binding is not done from Echo Plus. Also, Echo Plus send the configure reporting command to Combo Light to disable periodic reporting of light attributes. Hence, Combo Light will not report periodically. Instead Echo plus send the read attribute command to Combo Light every ~20 sec and get the light values. Also, the read attribute command for color values will start only when the first color change is initiated from Alexa. Hence, it is required to do first color change from Alexa, before changing from BLE sensor app for color synchronization to take place.

    • When the LED color is controlled from Alexa, there are two color control options available. One is temperature color control (“SHADES of WHITE” in below figure) and another is HueSaturation (colors in below figure) color control. BLE light is synced only for HueSaturation color control. So, if the color is changed for temperature color control, the RGB LED will be changed, but, the values will not be updated on BLE app.

    --> -->

  3. RGB color control from Combined Interface
  • The RGB color can be controlled from Combined Interface through console commands.

  • Similar to Alexa, when the RGB color is changed from Combined Interface, will be reflected in “BLE Sensor” (MBD app) if connected. Changing from "BLE Sensor" app will be seen in next received report in Combined Interface

  • The network address of the Combo Light is required to send light control commands to Combo Light.

    • This network address can be got from Combined interface console log while commissioning was done.
      Figure 5-49. Combined Interface logs
    • Another way to obtain the network address in Combo Light side is by executing the below command


      ← getNetworkAddress


      → f088


      ←onOff 0x0 0xf088 0x23 -on  // Light ON
      ←onOff 0x0 0xf088 0x23 -off // Light OFF
      //0x23 is zigbee end point number used for light can be taken from MCC configurator
      Figure 5-50. EndPoint Address
  • Commands:
    • RGB LED ON/OFF command
            onOff 0x0 0xf088 0x23 -on
            onOff 0x0 0xf088 0x23 -off
    • RGB LED brightness change command
            moveToLevel 0x0 0xf088 0x23 0x45 0x0 0x1 0x0 0x0
      Note: 0x45 is the configurable brightness value
    • RGB LED color change command
            moveToHueAndSaturation 0x0 0xf088 0x23 0x45 0x67 0x0 0x0 0x0
      Note: 0x45 and 0x67 are the configurable Hue and Saturation values

Demo Steps: Other Features

  1. On board button actions:

    • When the on board "User Button (SW2)" is pressed for more than 10 sec, it deletes all the networking information and will bring the device to factory default state. GREEN LED will be ON for a short time to indicate the successful Factory Reset state.

    • When the on board "User Button (SW2)" is pressed for more than 5 sec, it starts the commissioning procedure, if not already commissioned. This is same as “BLE provisioning” mobile app initiating the commissioning procedure.

  2. Persistent Data Storage (PDS): The RGB light status (ON/OFF) and brightness values are stored in NVM. So, power OFF/ON of Combo Light, these values persist and RGB LED will reflect accordingly. This PDS storage is tied to Zigbee network.

    • Combo device is not yet commissioned: Light values are not stored in NVM in this scenario. So, power OFF/ON the light values will default to OFF Status and default color (white, HSV = 0,0x7F, 0x7F)

    • Combo Device is commissioned: The light ON/OFF status and light brightness is being stored in non-volatile memory in this case. So, power OFF/ON, the LED will be updated with light ON/OFF and brightness values retrieved from previous transaction.

Developing the Application from Scratch using MCC

The following steps helps to understand the PIC32CXBZ2 device Zigbee and BLE stack programming structure. Recommendation is to follow the steps. If wish is to have Out-of-Box experience with the precompiled hex file go to the top of this section.
Note: It is recommended that new users of MCC to go through the overview.

For developing combined interface from scratch, refer to the “Creating Application Device Types from Scratch using MCC” section of the Zigbee Centralized Network Formation by Combined Interface

This tutorial explains developing ble_zigbee_light_prov application from scratch

Pull-in MCC Components

  1. Create a new MCC Harmony Project. For more details, refer to Creating a New MCC Harmony Project.
  2. Import component configuration – This step helps users setup the basic components and configuration required to develop this application. The imported file is of format .mc3 and is located in the path "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\firmware\ble_zigbee_light_prov.X".

    For more details on importing the component configuration , refer to Importing Existing App Example Configuration

    Note: Import and export functionality of Harmony component configuration will help users to start from a known working setup of MCC configuration
  3. Verify the project graph and configuration options shown in the below steps.
  4. Another method is manually adding and configuring the components in project graph
    1. From “Device Resources” field, select + Extended Color Light component (Zigbee component), to add it in project graph.
    2. Accept Dependencies or satisfiers, select Yes
      Figure 5-51. Auto-Activation and Auto-Connection Request
    3. From “Device Resources” field, select + BLE Stack component, to add it in project graph.
      1. BLE Stack component
        Figure 5-52. BLE Stack Component
    4. From “Device Resources” field, select Transparent service and profile component, to add it in project graph.
      Figure 5-53. Transparent Service and Profile
    5. Add UART component needed for console logs and commands. Right click on the yellow triangle on Extended Color Light component to add satisfiers as illustrated below. Verify the UART SERCOM configuration as in Zigbee Console Commands
      Figure 5-54. SERCOM0
    6. Add Bootloader Services to the project graph, as illustrated in the following figure
      Figure 5-55. Bootloader Services
    7. Add BLE Zigbee Provisioning to the project graph, as illustrated in the following figure
      Figure 5-56. BLE Zigbee Provisioning
    8. From “Device Resources” field, select + BLE OTA APP SERVICE component, to add it in project graph. and accept dependencies
      Figure 5-57. BLE OTA APP SERVICE
    9. From “Device Resources” field, select + ADCHS, + DSU, + EIC, + RCON, + TC2, + TC3, + TCC0 and + TCC2 components, to add it in project graph.
      Figure 5-58. Adding Components
  5. Verify if the project graph window has all the expected components. as illustrated in the following figure:
    Figure 5-59. Project Graph

Edit APP_TIMER_SERVICE Configurations

  1. Select APP_TIMER_SERVICE component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-60. APP_TIMER_SERVICE

Edit Device Information Service Configurations

  1. Select Device Information Service component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-61. Device Information Service

Edit Core Configurations

  1. Select Core component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-62. Core

Edit FreeRTOS Configurations

  1. Select FreeRTOS component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-63. FreeRTOS

Edit BLE Stack Specific Configurations

  1. Select BLE Stack component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-64. BLE Stack

Edit Transparent Profile Configurations

  1. Select Transparent Profile component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-65. Transparent Profile

Edit BLE OTA APP SERVICE Configurations

  1. Select BLE OTA APP SERVICE component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-66. BLE OTA APP SERVICE

Edit Zigbee Stack Specific Configurations

  1. Select Extended Color Light component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-67. Extended Color Light

Edit PDS_SubSystem Specific Configurations

  1. Select PDS_SubSystem component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-68. PDS_SubSystem

Edit Peripheral Specific Configurations

  1. Select SERCOM0 component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-69. SERCOM0
  2. Select USART component in project graph and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-70. USART
  3. Select ADCHS component in project graph and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-71. ADCHS
  4. Select TC2 and TC3 (same configuration for both) component in project graph and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-72. TC2 and TC3
  5. Select EIC component in project graph and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-73. EIC
  6. Select TCC0 component in project graph and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-74. TCC0
  7. Select Pin Configuration from project graph and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-75. Pin Configuration
  8. Select System component in project graph and configure PPS Output as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-76. System Configuration
  9. Select Clock Configuration from project graph and configure as illustrated in the following figure

    Figure 5-77. Clock Configuration

Files and Routines Automatically Generated by the MCC

After generating the code from MCC interface by clicking Generate Code, below is the project folder structure.
Figure 5-78. Project Files

BLE, Zigbee Stack Initialization and Application Callback Registration:

The RF System, BLE System, ZIGBEE, PERIPHERAL initialization routine executed during program initialization can be found in SYS_Initialize() of initialization.c file.

Zigbee stack provides various APIs for application, and those APIs belong to the specific module within dedicated group. The sequence of initialization is already taken care in the stack when Zigbee_Init() from initialization.c is called.
Figure 5-79. initialization.c

The BLE stack initialization routine executed during application initialization can be found in APP_BleStackInit() in app.c. This call initializes and configures different BLE layers like GAP, GATT, SMP, L2CAP and BLE middleware layers and registers the application layer callbacks. The event callbacks from BLE stack, BLE middleware and profile/service layer are registered.

Also, the MCC configured advertisement data payload can be seen in APP_BleConfigBasic()
Figure 5-80. APP_BleConfigBasic()
Similar to BLE, Zigbee stack also generate events to inform application if there is any status changed or activity. Application may need to get the relevant information from Zigbee Stack and do the corresponding procedure.
Figure 5-81. app.c
BLE, Zigbee stack application events handling: app.c file is autogenerated and has a state machine for application callback handling from BLE, Zigbee stacks
Figure 5-82. app.c

User Application Development

Compile MCC Auto-generated Project

Build Project, upon building project user action is required as mentioned User Action.

Helper Files

This project requires necessary helper files to build and run. The files needed to be added to the project or manually made. The files required are app_adv.c, app_ble_sensor.c, app_button_handler.c, and their respective files and can be found in the "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\firmware\src"folder. They must be added to the custom project in the same “src” directory.

Files rgb_led.c, temp_sensor.c and their respective header files are also needed for a proper demo. These files are in a separate directory named “sensors” located in the "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\firmware\src"" folder.


  • Default Generated: “#define CS_UID 0 //Unique Identifier (UID) determining the device extended address”
  • Change to a unique value: “#define CS_UID 0x123bee //Unique Identifier (UID) determining the device extended address”
    Figure 5-83. zigbeeAppDeviceSelect.h
    Note: By default, the coordinator also has the same value. In a network the UID value must be unique


Include the following libraries in app.c:
#include "ble_dis/ble_dis.h"
#include "app_ble_conn_handler.h"
#include "app_ble_sensor.h"
#include "app_adv.h"
#include <app_zigbee/zigbee_console/console.h>
#include "app_prov/app_prov.h"
#include "app_button_handler.h"
#include "app_ota/app_ota_handler.h"
Create a function called APP_Init() in the app.c file and add the following code for proper initialization
Figure 5-84. app.c
Call this function in the APP_STATE_INIT case, remove the APP_BLE_StackInit() function call, and call APP_Button_Init() as illustrated below:
Figure 5-85. app.c
Figure 5-86. app.h
Handle these cases in the APP_STATE_SERVICE_TASKS case in app.c as follows:
else if(p_appMsg->msgId==APP_TIMER_ADV_CTRL_MSG)
else if(p_appMsg->msgId==APP_TIMER_BLE_SENSOR_MSG)
else if(p_appMsg->msgId==APP_MSG_BUTTON_INT)
else if(p_appMsg->msgId==APP_TIMER_OTA_TIMEOUT_MSG)
else if(p_appMsg->msgId==APP_TIMER_OTA_REBOOT_MSG)
Figure 5-87. app.c
Declare an integer and add the following code to the APP_Initialize() function:
uint32_t wbz451_silicon_revision = 0x00;
wbz451_silicon_revision = DSU_REGS->DSU_DID;
appSnprintf("\n\r[Device DID] 0x%x \n\r", (DSU_REGS->DSU_DID));
if(wbz451_silicon_revision & (1 << 29)) // A2 Silicon // if((wbz451_silicon_revision >> 28) == (0x02))
/* PPS Output Remapping */
else if((wbz451_silicon_revision >> 28) == (0x00)) // A0 silicon
/* PPS Output Remapping */
Figure 5-88. app.c
Open app_ble_handler.c file located in app_ble project folder.
In APP_BleGapEvtHandler() function, add the following code as illustrated in the following figure and include the library.
#include "../app_ble_conn_handler.h"

Figure 5-89. app_ble_handler.c
Also in the app_ble_handler.c file, include the library and add the following code in the APP_BleSmpEvtHandler() function to handle a failed pairing event as illustrated below.
#include <app_zigbee/zigbee_console/console.h>
if (p_event->eventField.evtPairingComplete.status != BLE_SMP_PAIRING_SUCCESS)
BLE_GAP_Disconnect(p_event->eventField.evtPairingComplete.connHandle, GAP_DISC_REASON_REMOTE_TERMINATE);
appSnprintf("[BLE] Pairing Failed\n\r");
Figure 5-90. app_ble_handler.c

Open app_trsps_handler.c file

In APP_TrspsEvtHandler() function, add the below code and include the library as illustrated in the following figure.
#include "app_trps/app_trps.h"
Figure 5-91. app_trsps_handler.c

Open app_otaps_handler.c file

In APP_OtapsEvtHandler() function, add the below code and include the library as illustrated in the following figure.
#include "app_ota/app_ota_handler.h"

Figure 5-92. app_otaps_handler.c

Open app_timer.c file

Uncomment the following lines as illustrated below:
Figure 5-93. app_timer.c

Open app_zigbee_handler.c file

In Zigbee_Event_Handler() function, add the below code and uncomment the lines boxed in red as illustrated in the following figure.
extern void BZ_Prov_Zigbee_Event_Handler(APP_Zigbee_Event_t event);
Figure 5-94. app_zigbee_handler.c
Include these two libraries:
#include <sensors/inc/rgb_led.h>
#include "../app_ble_sensor.h"
Add the following code in the BSP_Event_Handler to handle the LED events:
/* Set the given LED brightness */
//Access - > event.eventData.value;
//appSnprintf("Led Brightness \r\n");
/* LED Hue , Saturation */
//Access - > event.eventData.colorHS.hue;
//Access - > event.eventData.colorHS.saturation;
//appSnprintf("LED Hue , Saturation \r\n");
APP_TRPS_Sensor_BLE_light_Color_Sync((int)lightColorControlClusterServerAttributes.enhancedCurrentHue.value >> 8, lightColorControlClusterServerAttributes.currentSaturation.value);
/* Set the LED Color X Y */
//Access - > event.eventData.colorXY.x;
//Access - > event.eventData.colorXY.y;
//appSnprintf("LED X,Y Color \r\n");
RGB_LED_SetLedColorXY(event.eventData.colorXY.x, event.eventData.colorXY.y);
APP_TRPS_Sensor_BLE_light_Color_Sync((int)lightColorControlClusterServerAttributes.enhancedCurrentHue.value >> 8, lightColorControlClusterServerAttributes.currentSaturation.value);
Figure 5-95. app_zigbee_handler.c
In the Cluster_Event_Handler() function, add the following code:
case CMD_ZCL_ON:
/* ZCL Command ON received */
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.addressing;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payloadLength;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payload;
/* ZCL Command Off received */
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.addressing;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payloadLength;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payload;
/* ZCL Command Toggle received */
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.addressing;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payloadLength;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payload;
/* ZCL Command Off with effect received */
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.addressing;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payloadLength;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payload;
ZCL_OffWithEffect_t *payload = (ZCL_OffWithEffect_t *)event.eventData.zclEventData.payload;
appSnprintf("OffWithEffect %d 0x%x\r\n", payload->effectIdentifier, payload->effectVariant);
/* ZCL Command on with recall globalscene received */
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.addressing;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payloadLength;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payload;
/* ZCL Command on with timed off received */
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.addressing;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payloadLength;
//Access - > event.eventData.zclEventData.payload;
ZCL_OnWithTimedOff_t *payload = (ZCL_OnWithTimedOff_t *)event.eventData.zclEventData.payload;
appSnprintf("OnWithTimedOff %d %d 0x%x\r\n", payload->onOffControl, payload->onTime, payload->offWaitTime);
Figure 5-96. app_zigbee_handler.c

Open app_ble_conn_handler.c file

Include the following libraries:
#include "app_timer/app_timer.h"
#include "app_adv.h"
#include "app_trps/app_trps.h"
#include "app_ble_sensor.h"
#include "peripheral/gpio/plib_gpio.h"
#include <app_zigbee/zigbee_console/console.h>
Add the following code to the APP_BleGapConnEvtHandler() function to handle the connected event
appSnprintf("[BLE] Connected to Peer Device: 0x");
int idx;
for(idx=(GAP_MAX_BD_ADDRESS_LEN-1); idx>=0; idx--)
      appSnprintf("%02x", p_bleConn->connData.remoteAddr.addr[idx]);
appSnprintf("\n\r[BLE] Connection Handle: %d\n\r",p_bleConn->connData.handle);
Figure 5-97. app_ble_conn_handler.c
Within the same function, APP_BleGapConnEvtHandler(), add the following code to handle the disconnect event and remove the “BLE_GAP_SetAdvEnable(true, 0);” function call.
appSnprintf("[BLE] Disconnected Handle: %d\n\r",p_event->eventField.evtDisconnect.connHandle);                
/* Restart advertising */
appSnprintf("[BLE] Advertisement Started\n\r");
Figure 5-98. app_ble_conn_handler.c

Open app_prov.c file

void App_SetCommissioningStatus(bool val);



Figure 5-99. app_prov.c

Add the bootloader_timer.X.production.hex file to the loadables in the project properties. The hex file can be found in "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\firmware\ble_zigbee_light_prov.X"folder

Figure 5-100. Project Properties
Configure the SignFirmware in the project properties as illustrated below. The private key file can be found in "<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz2_wbz45\apps\multiprotocol\ble_zigbee_light_prov\firmware\ble_zigbee_light_prov.X"folder.
Figure 5-101. Project Properties

Extended Functionalities

This application also implements device firmware over BLE link (Over-The-Air upgrade) and Serial device firmware upgrade through serial UART interface

BLE DFU: Refer to the Device firmware update over BLE section for details on code, configuration and running OTA demo procedure.

Serial DFU: Refer to the Device firmware update over serial section for details on upgrading the device over serial interface.

Protocol Exchange

The communication protocol exchange between BLE Provisioning mobile app/ BLE Sensor mobile app (BLE Central) and the WBZ451 module (BLE peripheral) is explained in the Zigbee Commissioning through BLE - Protocol Exchange section.