3.1.1 Central
Install toolchain and harmony components documented in Getting Started with Software Development .
and BLE Stack Setup
Create a new MCC Harmony project
configure Harmony components like FreeRTOS and BLE Stack
Initiate BLE Stack
Print Hello World
Receive Data Payload using BLE Legacy Scan(no BLE connection)
Receive Data Payload using BLE Extended Scan(no BLE connection)
Configure stack for Central Functionality
Connection between Peripheral and Central Device
Profiles and services
Microchip propreitary - Transparent UART Central (Legacy Scan + Connection + Data Exchange)
Data Exchange using Microchip Transparent UART profile and service between 2 devices(peripheral and central) after a BLE connection
Data exchange using Microchip Transparent UART profile and service between 4 devices (1 central and 3 peripherals) after a BLE connection.