24 Display Properties of a Controller, Array, Logical Device, and a Physical Device

This section lists the display properties of a controller, array, logical device, and physical device.

Table 24-1. Controller Display Properties


Tooltip Details


Model of the Controller


Overall status of the controller based on its resources.

Serial Number

A unique number assigned to the controller,used for identification and inventory purposes.


A World Wide Name (WWN) is an unique identifier of the controller.

Firmware Version

Active firmware version of the controller

Hardware Revision

Describes the hardware revision information about the controller.

Hardware Minor Revision Describes the hardware minor revision information about the controller.

Manufacturing Part Number

Describes the hardware part number information about the controller.

Manufacturing Spare Part Number

Describes the hardware spare part number information about the controller.

Manufacturing Wellness Log

Describes the hardware wellness log information about the controller.

Installed Memory

Size of Dynamic Random Access Memory(DRAM) installed on the controller

Cache Memory

Cache memory size on controller.


Mode of the controller on which it is operating

Pending Mode

Pending mode of the controller which will reflect on reboot.


Current temperature of the controller

Power Consumption

Power Consumption

NVRAM Checksum Status

NVRAM Checksum Status


The maxCache software uses a reserved logical drive comprised of SSDs only, called the maxCache device, for fast read and write caching.


maxCrypto feature ensures the sensitive data is encrypted and protected by secure 256 bit AES, in-line encryption.

NVMe Determines whether the Controller supports NVMe drive.

Physical Slot

PCI slot number to which the controller is connected.

Driver Version

Current version of driver installed on the system.

Driver Name

Driver name describes the name of the driver.

Negotiated PCIe Data Rate

Negotiated PCIe Data Rate describes the PCIe version, lane width and throughput details.

PCI Address (Domain:Bus:Device:Function)

PCI address describes the PCI address for the controller.

I2C Address

I2C address describes the Inter-Integrated Circuit(I2C) slave address.

I2C Clock Speed

I2C clock speed describes the Inter-Integrated Circuit(I2C) clock speed.

I2C Clock Stretching Status

I2C stretching status describes the Inter-Integrated Circuit(I2C) clock status.


Native Command Queuing, or NCQ, lets SATA disk drives arrange commands into the most efficient order for optimum performance.

Number of Ports

Number of ports describes number of internal and external ports of the controller.

NVMe Configuration

Determines whether the Controller supports creation of logical drives using NVMe drives.

Manufacturing Model Manufacturing model of the controller.
Manufacturing SKU Number SKU Number of the controller.
Reboot Required Reasons Indicates the reason, why a controller cold reboot is required.
SEEPROM Version Describes the SEEPROM version of the controller.
CPLD Revision Describes the CPLD revision information about the controller.

Battery/Capacitor Pack Count

Number of battery pack connected to controller

NAND Flash Type Describes the NAND Flash Type of the controller
NOR Flash Type Describes the NOR Flash Type of the controller

Hardware Error

Hardware error type occurred on battery backup unit

Post Prompt Timeout

Post prompt timeout describes the F1/F2 POST prompt timeout for the controller during system boot.

Rebuild Priority

Rebuild priority determines the urgency with which the controller treats an internal command to rebuild a failed logical drive. At the low setting, normal system operations take priority over a rebuild. At the medium setting, rebuilding occurs for half of the time, and normal system operations occur for the rest of the time. At the medium high setting, rebuilding is given a higher priority over normal system operations. At the high setting, the rebuild takes precedence over all other system operations.

Expand Priority

Expand Priority setting determines the urgency with which the controller treats an internal command to expand an array. At the low setting level, normal system operations take priority over an array expansion. At the medium setting, expansion occurs for half of the time, and normal system operations occur for the rest of the time. At the high setting, the expansion takes precedence over all other system operations.

Consistency Check Priority

Consistency Check Mode is an automatic background process that ensures that you can recover data if a drive failure occurs. The scanning process checks physical drives in fault-tolerant logical drives for bad sectors and it also verifies the consistency of parity data if applicable. The available modes are disable, high, or idle. The idle mode must also specify a delay value. When set to high, the check will run in parallel to host I/O and may have an impact on performance. When set to idle, the check will only run during periods of host inactivity and will not impact performance.

Consistency Check Delay

Consistency Check Delay determines the time interval for which a controller must be inactive before a consistency check is started on the physical drives that are connected to it. The value can be between 0 and 30 to specify the duration of the delay in seconds. A value of 0 disables the scan. The default value is 3 seconds.

Parallel Consistency Check Count

Parallel consistency check count describes the number of logical devices on which the controller will perform consistency check in parallel.

Raid 6/60 Alternate Inconsistency Repair Policy

RAID 6/60 alternate inconsistency repair policy searches for a single inconsistent strip and repairs the strip on that one drive only.

Consistency Check Inconsistency Notify

Consistency Check Inconsistency Notify property enables the event notification messages and serial debug log messages for mirrored volumes.

Spare Activation Mode

Spare activation mode feature enables the controller firmware to activate a spare drive. The firmware starts rebuilding a spare drive only when a data drive fails when the mode is Failure. With the predictive failure activation mode, rebuilding can begin before the drive fails when a data drive reports a predictive failure (SMART) status which will reduce the likelihood of data loss that could occur if an additional drive fails.

Maximum Drive Request Queue Depth

Queue Depth controls the behavior of the cache write queue. This option is used to tune controller performance for video applications. The valid values are 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, or Automatic.

Physical Drive Request Elevator Sort

Elevator Sort option controls the behavior of the controller cache write Elevator sort algorithm. This option is used to tune controller performance for video applications. The possible options are Enable or Disable.

Degraded Mode Performance Optimization

Degraded Mode Performance Optimization setting applies to RAID 5/RAID 50/RAID 6/RAID 60 logical devices in degraded mode only. Enabling this setting directs the controller to attempt to improve performance of large read requests by buffering physical drive requests. Disabling this feature forces the controller to read from the same drives multiple times. This option is used to tune controller performance for video applications. The possible options are Enable or Disable.

HDD Flexible Latency Optimization

Latency describes Flexible Latency Schedule (FLS) setting. Flexible Latency Scheduler (FLS) is a controller option where the controller can re-prioritize I/O requests to prevent some requests to HDDs from timing out. Under normal operation (when FLS is disabled, or in controllers that don\u2019t support FLS), the controller will sort incoming requests in order to minimize the amount of travel for the HDD\u2019s read heads (Elevator Sort). This strategy works well for workloads that access sequential data, or workloads that require multiple requests from localized sectors in the drive. For highly random workloads, such as transaction processing, some requests will end up on the wrong side of the disk platter and, due to their high latency, will be marked as timed out. When FLS is enabled, it will detect these high-latency requests and apply a cutoff value, after which it will suspend elevator sorting and service the request right away.

Primary Boot Volume

Primary Boot Volume describes which logical device or physical device is the primary boot volume on the current controller.

Secondary Boot Volume

Secondary Boot Volume describes which logical device or physical device is the secondary boot volume on the current controller.

Sanitize Lock

Set the sanitize lock policy of the controller. This policy will be applied to all SATA physical devices that support the feature.

  1. None : No freeze lock or anti-freeze lock commands are sent to any physical device.
  2. Freeze : Supported physical devices are freeze locked and sanitize is not allowed.
  3. Anti-Freeze : Supported physical devices are anti-freeze locked and freezing the physical devices is not allowed.

Pending Sanitize Lock

Sanitize lock is in pending state, reboot the system and require all physical devices to be power cycled or hot-plugged for the lock state to be applied to the physical devices.

Expander Minimum Scan Duration

Controller waits for the specified seconds to scans/discover the drives attached to the expander on the next power cycle. Set this to a non-zero value if some devices do not appear in the topology after controller boot or rescan requests.

PCIe Maximum Read Request Size

PCIe Maximum Read Request Size allows optimization of data flow for the purpose of improving the controller performance. This option is used to change the PCIe Maximum Read Request Size value on the Adaptec Smart Storage Controller.

The PCIe Maximum Read Request Size takes one of the following values: 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 Bytes.

By default, the value of Maximum Read Request Size is set to Default value which depends on the controller (128 | 256 | 512 | 1024 | 2048 bytes).

The system must be restarted for the PCIe maximum read request size to take effect.

PCIe Maximum Payload Size
The PCIe Maximum Payload Size is the maximum size of PCIe payload for one transfer. The PCIe Maximum Payload Size takes the values as 128 | 256 | 512 Bytes and is displayed under Properties tab of controller.
Note: The value of PCIe Maximum Payload Size cannot be changed from the maxView GUI.
Persistent Event Log Policy
Persistent Event Log Policy can be either Oldest (Least Recently Consumed) or Newest (Most Recently Occurred). The maximum number of events that can be stored by firmware at any point is 300.
  • When the policy is “Least Recently Consumed”, the maximum unconsumed events in NVRAM are 300. After that, the controller stops adding new events to the persistent log in NVRAM.
  • When the policy is “Most Recently Occurred”, firmware continues to log a new event when it occurs in the NVRAM. The consumer is provided with the most recent events up to 300 events.
UEFI Health Reporting Mode UEFI Health Reporting Mode allow the users to change whether to report UEFI driver health error messages on boot screen and halt the boot process or not. The UEFI Health Reporting Mode can be either “Enabled” or “Disabled”.

The default mode is “Enabled”, which reports all the UEFI driver health error messages on the boot screen and halts the boot process.

The “Disabled” mode does not report any UEFI driver health error messages on the boot screen and continues the booting regardless of the errors.

Intelligent Power Management

Current Power Mode

Power mode setting determines controller static settings based on work load.

MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE : Set static settings to highest possible. Do not reduce dynamically.

Pending Power Mode

Power mode setting determines controller static settings based on work load before system reboot.

MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE : Set static settings to highest possible. Do not reduce dynamically.

Survival Mode

Enabling survival mode allows the controller to throttle back dynamic power settings to their minimums when temperatures exceed the warning threshold. This allows the server to continue running in more situations, but performance may decrease.

Spindown Spares Policy

Inactive spares can be spun down to achieve power efficiency gain. Enabling the Spindown Spares Policy will spin down the inactive spares. Disabling the Spindown Spares Policy will not spin down the inactive spares.

Note: Spindown Spares Policy is supported only in RAID and Mixed Mode

Controller Cache

Cache Status

Determines the preservation status of the cache module.

Cache Ratio

The controller cache ratio setting determines the controller ability to adjust the amount of memory for read-ahead cache versus write cache.

Write Cache Bypass Threshold (KB)

All writes larger than the specified value will bypass the write cache and be written directly to the disk for non-parity RAID volumes.

The valid threshold size is between 16 KB and 1040 KB and the value must be a multiple of 16 KB.

No-Battery Write Cache

No-Battery Write Cache setting allows the controller to enable write cache when no battery is present or when the battery fails. Values are Enable or Disable. Enabling No-Battery Write Cache can result in data loss if the server loses power and there is no battery present or the battery has failed.

Wait for Cache Room

Wait for Cache Room setting causes the controller to always wait for room in the read/write cache when full instead of automatically bypassing it in favor of higher performance.



maxCache support status on controller.


maxCache version

Drive Cache

Write Cache Policy for Configured Drives

This option allows to configure the write cache policy on a controller. Setting to default allows the controller to optimize the drive write cache policy of those drives. Enabling drive write cache can increase write performance but risks losing the data in the cache on sudden power loss. Setting the policy to “unchanged” means that the controller will make no changes to the drive’s default power-on write cache policy.

Write Cache Policy for Unconfigured Drives

This option allows to configure the write cache policy on a controller. Setting to default for unconfigured drives uses the drive's existing write cache policy. Enabling drive write cache can increase write performance but risks losing the data in the cache on sudden power loss.

Write Cache Policy for HBA Drives

This option allows to configure the write cache policy on a controller. Setting to default uses the drive's existing write cache policy. Enabling drive write cache can increase write performance but risks losing the data in the cache on sudden power loss.

Green Backup Unit
Backup Power Status Status of backup power unit.
Battery/Capacitor Pack Count Number of backup power units connected to controller.
Hardware Error Hardware error type occurred on backup power unit.
Power Type Type of the green backup unit.
Current Temperature Current temperature in degrees Celsius of the backup power pack.
Maximum Temperature Maximum temperature in degrees Celsius recorded during the product life.
Threshold Temperature Maximum allowable temperature in degrees Celsius for the backup power pack. At this temperature, the green backup subsystem will shut down.
Voltage Current voltage in millivolts of the backup power pack.
Maximum Voltage Maximum backup power voltage in millivolts recorded during the lifetime of the product.
Current Active current draw in milliamps of the backup power charging circuit.
Health Status Predicted health of the backup power pack expressed as a percentage of Capacitance/Initial Capacitance. Initial Capacitance is estimated until a learning cycle occurs.
Relative Charge Percentage of available energy expressed as a percentage of Capacitance * (Voltage-Vmin)/(Vcharging-Vmin)

Table 24-2. Array Display Properties


Tooltip Details


ID describes unique array identifier within the controller.


Name describes unique name of array


Status of array is based on health of member disk drives.

Device Type

Type describes the type of the array such as data array, backup array etc.

Interface Type

Disk drives which are the member of array can have interface type such SAS, SATA, SAS SSD and SATA SSD. The interface type of array is based on the member disk drives interface type.

Total Size

Total usable size is the total space available in the array for creating logical device.

Used Size

The total disk space used by the logical device(s) on the given array.

Unused Size

Unused size is the free space available to create new logical device to store the data.

Member Device(s) Block Size

Block size indicates the maximum size of data block on disk drives which are member of array (can be 512 Bytes or 4K).

Status Status of array is based on health of member disk drives.

Transformation Status

Transformation status indicates whether the array is transforming or not.

Protected by Hot Spare

Protected by Hot Spare indicates whether the array is protected by Hot Spare.

Spare Rebuild Mode

Spare rebuild mode describes the spare type for the array. It can be "dedicated" or "auto replace" if the array is valid.

SSD I/O Bypass

SSD I/O Bypass enables an optimized data path to high performance solid state drives. The optimized path bypasses the controllers RAID processing components and sends I/O directly to the drives.

SED EncryptionIndicate whether the array is encrypted or not using SED based encryption.

Member Logical Device(s)

Number of logical device(s) present in the array.

Member Physical Device(s)

Number of physical device(s) used to create the array.

Spare Drive(s)

Number of spare drives associated to this array. If a drive fails in the array, the controller automatically rebuilds the data onto the spare drive.

Table 24-3. Logical Device Display Properties


Tooltip Details


Describes unique ID of logical device listed.

RAID Level

RAID level on which the logical device has been created.

Device Type

Drive type indicates the type of logical device like data and etc.

Interface Type

Disk drive which are RAID member of logical device can have interface type such SAS or SATA will also reflect as interface type of logical device. A logical drive can be combination of SAS and SATA interface.

Data Space

Data space is where actual data is striped across the disk drives.

Stripe Size

Stripe size is the amount of data (in KB) written to one disk drive, before moving to the next disk drive in the logical device. Stripe size options vary, depending on your controller and RAID level.

Full Stripe Size

Full stripe size refers to the combined size of all the strips across all physical drives, excluding parity-only drives.

Member Device(s) Block Size

Maximum size of data block on disk drives which are RAID member of logical device (can be 512 Bytes or 4K).

Volume Unique Identifier

The logical device unique identifier.


Heads indicates the pre-defined space set aside for RAID redundant information on a logical device.

Sectors Per Track

Sectors Per Track specifies the number of sectors that are to comprise each track.


Cylinders indicates the set of all of tracks of equal diameter in a logical device.


Status of logical device based on health of RAID members of logical device.


Logical device name can be of maximum 64 characters and it should contain only ASCII characters

Note: Duplicate logical device names are not allowed.

Disk Name

Name of the logical disk drive

OS Location

Operating system location of the logical disk drive


Mount points describes the Operating system device names of the logical device.

Controller Caching

This option toggles the controller cache preservation state. When enabled, the system preserves the controller's cache to prevent data loss in the event of a system failures like power loss or shutdown

Acceleration Method

Logical Device Acceleration Method indicates whether caching for logical device enabled through controller cache. Defaults to enable.

Boot Type

A bootable logical device is a logical device that the system can attempt to boot from after a system power-on. A controller can have up to two bootable logical device, where one is a primary boot logical device and the other a secondary boot logical device. When the system looks at a controller for a boot logical device, it will first attempt to boot from a primary boot logical device, and if that fails, then it will attempt to boot from a secondary boot logical device.

Protected by Hot Spare

Protected by Hot Spare indicates whether the logical device is protected by Hot Spare.

Consistency Check StatusIndicates whether the consistency check is currently running on the logical device or not.
Last Consistency Check Completion Time Indicates when the last consistency check was completed on the logical device.
Last Consistency Check DurationIndicates how long it took to complete the last consistency check on the logical device.



Indicate whether the logical device is encrypted or not.

Volatile KeyWhen volatile key is enabled for encrypted logical device, data keys are stored in volatile memory instead of disk. This provides stronger data protection, but it can also cause the data to be inaccessible during power loss.
Volatile Key With BackupFor remote key management mode, the data key will be backed up to remote key manager when enabling volatile key. You have an option to restore the key from the remote key manager.
SED EncryptionIndicate whether the logical device is encrypted or not using SED based encryption.



State of the associated maxCache logical device.

Write Cache Policy

The current write cache policy used by the associated maxCache for data write operations. This will indicate whether the posted write operations to this logical device, are transferred via the write cache memory.

Write Cache Policy Preferred

The write cache policy preferred for data write operations to this logical device.

Write Cache Policy Status

The status of current write cache policy used by the associated maxCache.

Table 24-4. Physical Device Display Properties


Tooltip Details


Physical device manufacturer name.


Product model name of the physical device.

Serial Number

Serial number of physical device.

Interface Type

Interface type supported by the physical device.

Total Size

Total data storage capacity of the physical device.

Block Size

Maximum size of data block on disk drives which are RAID member of logical device (can be 512 Bytes or 4K).

Physical Block Size

Physical block size is the unit of data that can be physically read or write to the disk.

Rotational Speed

Indicates the rotational speed of the physical device.

Device Type

Type of physical device such as "hard disk drive", "solid state drive" or "shingled magnetic recording hard disk drive".

Firmware Level

Firmware version of the physical device.


Reported world wide name provided by manufacturer.

Unique ID

ID to uniquely identify the physical device.

Reported Channel

The channel to which the physical device is connected.

Reported SCSI Device ID

The SCSI ID for a physicals device reported by controller.

NCQ Supported

Specifies whether this physical device supports native command queuing.

NCQ Status

Indicates whether the native command queuing is enabled/disabled on this physical device.

Sanitize Erase

Specifies whether the sanitize erase is supported by this physical device.

Sanitize Lock Freeze

Specifies whether the sanitize lock freeze is supported by this physical device.

Sanitize Lock Anti-Freeze

Specifies whether the sanitize lock anti-freeze is supported by this physical device.

Encryption Capability

A SED (or Self-Encrypting Drive) is a type of hard drive that automatically and continuously encrypts the data on the drive without any user interaction.


Current state of physical device based on the operations done on it.

Negotiated Transfer Speed

Negotiated data transfer rate of selected physical device.

Configuration Type

Determines the presence/type of logical devices of which this physical device is a part of.

SED Security Status

Current status of Self-Encrypting Drive (SED).

SED Qualification Status

The current status of the SED qualification.

Original Factory State (OFS)Indicates whether the drive is in Original Factory State (OFS) or not.
SED Ownership StatusDescribes the ownership status of Self-Encrypting drive (SED).
Foreign Key IdentifierForeign Key Identifier is the master key identifier of the previous controller.
Foreign Reset Key IdentifierForeign Reset Key Identifier is the old master key identifier of the controller before rekey on which the SED drive was removed from the system when the drive was undergoing a rekey or rekey was queued.

Boot Type

A bootable physical device is a physical device that the system can attempt to boot from after a system power-on. A controller can have up to two bootable physical device, where one is a primary boot physical device and the other a secondary boot physical device. When the system looks at a controller for a boot physical device, it will first attempt to boot from a primary boot physical device, and if that fails, then it will attempt to boot from a secondary boot physical device.

Exposed to OS

Indicates whether the physical device is exposed to the operating system.

Disk Name

Name of the physical disk drive

OS Location

Operating system location of the physical disk drive


Partition describes that the physical device is exposed to operating system or not. The drive must be partitioned and formatted for storing data.


Mount point(s) describes the operating system device names of the physical device.

Has Stale RIS Data

Specifies whether the physical device has stale RIS data.

S.M.A.R.T. Error

Any SMART error reported on physical device.

Current Temperature

Current temperature of the physical device.

Maximum Temperature

The maximum temperature reported by the physical device.

Threshold Temperature

The threshold temperature value of the physical device.

Encrypted Drive

Indicates whether this physical device is a part of any encrypted logical device.

Negotiated Physical Link Rate

Negotiated Physical Link Rate

Negotiated Logical Link Rate

Negotiated Logical Link Rate

Maximum Link Rate

Maximum Link Rate

Last Known Reason for Failure

Indicates last known failure occurred on this device.

Multi Actuator Drive Specifies whether this physical device is multi actuator or not.
Multi Actuator LUN Count Specifies number of LUN's in the multi actuator drive.
Multi Actuator LUN ID ID of the current LUN in the multi actuator drive.