Ensure that the Target Voltage Selector
Header (VCC-SEL) is set to 3.3V and connect the hardware
In Atmel Studio 7, select
Debug->Start Debugging and break (Alt + F5)
Start Data Visualizer from Atmel Studio 7,
Tools->Data Visualizer
In the Data Visualizer window, open
Configuration->External Connections-> Serial Port
Select EDBG Virtual COM port (COMxx) in
drop down menu
No parity
8-bit character size
1 stop bit
1250000 baud-rate
Click Connect button
In Data Visualizer window, open
Configuration->Utilities-> File Logger
Connect the data source from Serial
Port Control Panel to Log to File
Select RAW as file type
Browse and create a file name ending
with .psf
Click the Start button
Start Tracealyzer 4
Go to File-> Live
Stream->Settings->PSF Streaming Settings
Choose File System in Target
Connections, browse and select the file created in previous step, apply and OK
Connect and Start Session
In Atmel Studio 7, Continue(F5)
Demo is running and debug data should
appear live in Tracealyzer
Figure 3-1. Atmel Studio view
Figure 3-2. Tracealyzer view
The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.