3 Running the Demo

  1. Install software needed
  2. Unzip project and open in Atmel Studio 7
  3. Ensure that the Target Voltage Selector Header (VCC-SEL) is set to 3.3V and connect the hardware
  4. In Atmel Studio 7, select Debug->Start Debugging and break (Alt + F5)
  5. Start Data Visualizer from Atmel Studio 7, Tools->Data Visualizer
  6. In the Data Visualizer window, open Configuration->External Connections-> Serial Port
    • Select EDBG Virtual COM port (COMxx) in drop down menu
    • No parity
    • 8-bit character size
    • 1 stop bit
    • 1250000 baud-rate
    • Click Connect button
  7. In Data Visualizer window, open Configuration->Utilities-> File Logger
    • Connect the data source from Serial Port Control Panel to Log to File
    • Select RAW as file type
    • Browse and create a file name ending with .psf
    • Click the Start button
  8. Start Tracealyzer 4
    • Go to File-> Live Stream->Settings->PSF Streaming Settings
    • Choose File System in Target Connections, browse and select the file created in previous step, apply and OK
    • Connect and Start Session
  9. In Atmel Studio 7, Continue(F5) debugging
  10. Demo is running and debug data should appear live in Tracealyzer
Figure 3-1. Atmel Studio view
Figure 3-2. Tracealyzer view