21.8.1 xxxPPS

Peripheral Input Selection Register
  1. The Reset value ‘m’ is determined by device default locations for that input.
  2. Refer to the “Pin Allocation Table” for details about available pins per port.
Name: xxxPPS

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset mmmmmm 

Bits 5:3 – PORT[2:0]  Peripheral Input PORT Selection(1)

See the PPS Input Selection Table for the list of available Ports and default pin locations.
PORT Selection
Reset States: 
POR = mmm
All other Resets = uuu

Bits 2:0 – PIN[2:0]  Peripheral Input PORT Pin Selection(2)

Reset States: 
POR = mmm
All other Resets = uuu
111 Peripheral input is from PORTx Pin 7 (Rx7)
110 Peripheral input is from PORTx Pin 6 (Rx6)
101 Peripheral input is from PORTx Pin 5 (Rx5)
100 Peripheral input is from PORTx Pin 4 (Rx4)
011 Peripheral input is from PORTx Pin 3 (Rx3)
010 Peripheral input is from PORTx Pin 2 (Rx2)
001 Peripheral input is from PORTx Pin 1 (Rx1)
000 Peripheral input is from PORTx Pin 0 (Rx0)
The Reset value ‘m’ is determined by device default locations for that input. Refer to the “Pin Allocation Table” for details about available pins per port.