Normal Mode

In Normal mode operation, a single time-out period is set for the WDT. If the WDT is not reset from software using the WDR instruction during the defined time-out period, the WDT will issue a system Reset.

A new WDT time-out period will start each time the WDT resets the WDR.

There are 11 possible WDT time-out periods (TOWDT), selectable from 8 ms to 8s by writing to the Period (PERIOD) bit field in the Control A (WDT.CTRLA) register.

The figure below shows a typical timing scheme for the WDT operating in Normal mode.

Figure 20-2. Normal Mode Operation

Normal mode is enabled as long as the Window (WINDOW) bit field in the WDT.CTRLA register is 0x0.