30.1 Features

  • 12-Bit Resolution
    • Up to 17 bits with oversampling
  • Conversion Rate Up to 375 ksps at 12-bit Resolution
  • Up to 15 Inputs
  • Differential and Single-Ended Conversion
  • Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) from 1x to 16x
  • Input Voltage Range from -100 mV to VDD+100 mV
  • Multiple Internal ADC Reference Voltages
    • VDD
    • 1.024V
    • 2.048V
    • 2.500V
    • 4.096V
  • External Reference Input
  • Single and Free-Running Conversions
  • Series and Burst Accumulation Modes
  • Accumulation of Up to 1024 Conversions
  • Left or Right Adjusted Result
  • Interrupts on Conversion Complete
  • Optional Event Triggered Conversion
  • Configurable Window Comparator