23.11 Debug Operation

If the Debug Run (DBGRUN) bit in the Debug Control (RTC.DBGCTRL) register is ‘1’, the RTC will continue normal operation. If DBGRUN is ‘0’ and the CPU is halted, the RTC will halt the operation and ignore any incoming events.

If the Debug Run (DBGRUN) bit in the Periodic Interrupt Timer Debug Control (RTC.PITDBGCTRL) register is ‘1’, the PIT will continue normal operation. If DBGRUN is ‘0’ in the Debug mode and the CPU is halted, the PIT output will be low. When the PIT output is high at the time, a new positive edge occurs to set the interrupt flag when restarting from a break. The result is an additional PIT interrupt that does not happen during normal operation. If the PIT output is low at the break, the PIT will resume low without additional interrupt.