4 Repairs and Enhancements

Table 4-1. The following improvements and fixes went into this release:
Type of ChangeIssue IDDescriptionDevices Affected
Bug FixM8PD-5167 Removed the device specific warning and link to the Errata DS80000870FAll supported devices
Bug FixM8PD-10837Revised the error handler to include missing checks on error flags, which previously led to an incorrect error event generation All supported devices
Bug Fix M8PD-11437 Fixed the I2C client to clear the ACKDT bit in I2CxCON1 after receiving a NACK from the host, which previously resulted in disabled clock stretching for subsequent requestsAll supported devices
Bug FixM8PD-12362Corrected I2CXPIR register clearing to only clear stop interrupt bit on stop interrupt receptionAll supported devices