This document describes how to configure the boot sequence to boot from the user-preferred Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) using SAM-BA® commands for the SAMA5D29-Curiosity board (EV07R15A). The commands provided in this document were verified using SAM-BA v3.7.1.
This technical brief is intended to be read in conjunction with the SAMA5D29 Series data sheet, with particular attention to the “Standard Boot Strategies” and “Fuse Box Controller” sections within that document.
- The SAMA5D29 ROM code uses the 24 MHz external crystal oscillator for the SAM-BA Monitor USB connection.
- The SAMA5D29 ROM code version is v1.7.
- The JTAG connection is disabled at reset and during the ROM code execution. It is re-enabled when the ROM code jumps in the bootstrap copied from an NVM into the internal SRAM, or when the ROM code launches the standard SAM-BA Monitor, when no bootstrap has been found in any NVM.