4.2 Using the msvt_check_pf Command

msvt_check_pf is a command-line based standalone tool that verifies the designs developed for the PolarFire® family. The tool is available in the <Libero_path>/bin64 folder.

Note: To verify designs developed for the SmartFusion®2 and IGLOO®2 family devices, use the msvt_check command.


<Libero_path>/bin64/msvt_check_pf –p <project_path>/designer/<Top_Level_Module>/msvt.param [–o msvt_check.log]


The following table lists arguments you can use with the msvt_check_pf command.

Table 4-3. msvt_check_pf Arguments
-p <msvt.param file path>Path to the msvt.param file. The msvt.param file is generated using Libero. This argument is required.
-o <filename>Prints a comprehensive report to the specified file. The report prints at the command prompt if the -o argument is omitted. This argument is optional.


The following table lists the return values when the msvt_check_pf command is used.

Table 4-4. msvt_check_pf Return Values
Return ValueDescription
MSVT Check FailedDesign has not met one or more of the separation criteria.
MSVT Check SucceededDesign has met all separation criteria.