4.3 MSVT Report

When MSVT executes successfully, it generates a comprehensive report with details about each block and the IRS regions between each block.

The following example is an MSVT-generated report for a design that satisfies the design separation criteria as specified in the msvt.param discussed in the MSVT.param File section.

MSVT Output Report

MSVT Check 
Design: SD_Top.msvt                     Started: Tue Dec 22 04:25:38 2020

Checking IRS connectivity against parameter file

The following instances do not belong to any routing region: 

The following IRS nets are not constrained by any routing region: 

Analyzing  floorplan ...

   block4_0 and block2_0 : Minimal floorplan separation = 9 clusters.
      block4_0 at cluster (144,62)
      block2_0 at cluster (144,52)
   block4_0 and block2_0 : Minimal placement separation = 21 clusters.
      (2148,156) containing cell block4_0/BUFD_1/U0
      (2148,225) containing cell block2_0/BUFD_0/U0

   block4_0 and block3_0 : Minimal floorplan separation = 11 clusters.
      block4_0 at cluster (99,27)
      block3_0 at cluster (87,27)
   block4_0 and block3_0 : Minimal placement separation = 11 clusters.
      (1211,82) containing cell block4_0/CoreGPIO_C4_0/CoreGPIO_C4_0/inData_s2[6]
      (1057,81) containing cell block3_0/APB_dp_fp_1/U0/i_post_norm_mul/s_shl2_RNIS34841[4]

   block4_0 and block1_0 : Minimal floorplan separation = 11 clusters.
      block4_0 at cluster (99,64)
      block1_0 at cluster (99,52)
   block4_0 and block1_0 : Minimal placement separation = 13 clusters.
      (1368,156) containing cell block4_0/BUFD_0/U0
      (1368,201) containing cell block1_0/BUFD_0/U0

   block4_0 and pf_smip_0 : Minimal floorplan separation = 37 clusters.
      block4_0 at cluster (99,0)
      pf_smip_0 at cluster (61,0)
   block4_0 and pf_smip_0 : Minimal placement separation = 38 clusters.
      (1219,2) containing cell block4_0/block4_IO_0/OUTBUF_31/U_IOTRI
      (746,2) containing cell pf_smip_0/PF_IO_C1_0/PF_IO_C1_0/I_IOD_0

   block4_0 and 'others' : Minimal floorplan separation =  overlapping.
      block4_0 at cluster (99,0)
      'others' at cluster (99,0)
   block4_0 and 'others' : Minimal placement separation = 0 clusters.
      (1219,2) containing cell block4_0/block4_IO_0/OUTBUF_31/U_IOTRI
      (1202,2) containing cell RESETN_ibuf/U_IOIN

   block2_0 and block3_0 : Minimal floorplan separation =  diagonal.
   block2_0 and block3_0 : Minimal placement separation =  diagonal.

   block2_0 and block1_0 : Minimal floorplan separation = 9 clusters.
      block2_0 at cluster (144,93)
      block1_0 at cluster (134,93)
   block2_0 and block1_0 : Minimal placement separation = 9 clusters.
      (1743,282) containing cell block2_0/BUFD_53/U0
      (1620,282) containing cell block1_0/BUFD_87/U0

   block2_0 and pf_smip_0 : Minimal floorplan separation =  diagonal.
   block2_0 and pf_smip_0 : Minimal placement separation =  diagonal.

   block2_0 and 'others' : Minimal floorplan separation = 9 clusters.
      block2_0 at cluster (144,62)
      'others' at cluster (144,52)
   block2_0 and 'others' : Minimal placement separation =  diagonal.

   block3_0 and block1_0 : Minimal floorplan separation = 10 clusters.
      block3_0 at cluster (38,64)
      block1_0 at cluster (38,53)
   block3_0 and block1_0 : Minimal placement separation = 22 clusters.
      (842,124) containing cell block3_0/CoreGPIO_C2_0/CoreGPIO_C2_0/dataOut[7]
      (842,196) containing cell block1_0/CoreGPIO_C0_0/CoreGPIO_C0_0/inData_s1[7]

   block3_0 and pf_smip_0 : Minimal floorplan separation = 4 clusters.
      block3_0 at cluster (66,0)
      pf_smip_0 at cluster (61,0)
   block3_0 and pf_smip_0 : Minimal placement separation = 4 clusters.
      (811,2) containing cell block3_0/Block3_IO_0/INBUF_17/U_IOIN
      (746,2) containing cell pf_smip_0/PF_IO_C1_0/PF_IO_C1_0/I_IOD_0

   block3_0 and 'others' : Minimal floorplan separation = 11 clusters.
      block3_0 at cluster (99,0)
      'others' at cluster (87,0)
   block3_0 and 'others' : Minimal placement separation = 15 clusters.
      (1010,2) containing cell block3_0/Block3_IO_0/INBUF_19/U_IOIN
      (1202,2) containing cell RESETN_ibuf/U_IOIN

   block1_0 and pf_smip_0 : Minimal floorplan separation = 60 clusters.
      block1_0 at cluster (38,64)
      pf_smip_0 at cluster (38,3)
   block1_0 and pf_smip_0 : Minimal placement separation =  diagonal.

   block1_0 and 'others' : Minimal floorplan separation = 11 clusters.
      block1_0 at cluster (99,64)
      'others' at cluster (99,52)
   block1_0 and 'others' : Minimal placement separation = 66 clusters.
      (1204,204) containing cell block1_0/MIV_RV32IMC_C0_0/MIV_RV32IMC_C0_0/u_opsrv_0/u_core_0/u_lsu_0/un1_lsu_expipe_req_op_2
      (1202,2) containing cell RESETN_ibuf/U_IOIN

   pf_smip_0 and 'others' : Minimal floorplan separation = 37 clusters.
      pf_smip_0 at cluster (61,0)
      'others' at cluster (99,0)
   pf_smip_0 and 'others' : Minimal placement separation = 37 clusters.
      (746,2) containing cell pf_smip_0/PF_IO_C1_0/PF_IO_C1_0/I_IOD_0
      (1202,2) containing cell RESETN_ibuf/U_IOIN

Checking internal nets for block block4_0 ...

Checking IRS nets for block block4_0 ...

Propagating IRS nets outgoing from block4_0 to block2_0

Propagating IRS nets outgoing from block4_0 to block1_0

Checking internal nets for block block2_0 ...

Checking IRS nets for block block2_0 ...

Propagating IRS nets outgoing from block2_0 to block1_0

Checking internal nets for block block3_0 ...

Checking IRS nets for block block3_0 ...

Propagating IRS nets outgoing from block3_0 to block4_0

Propagating IRS nets outgoing from block3_0 to block1_0

Checking internal nets for block block1_0 ...

Checking IRS nets for block block1_0 ...

Propagating IRS nets outgoing from block1_0 to block4_0

Propagating IRS nets outgoing from block1_0 to block2_0

Propagating IRS nets outgoing from block1_0 to block3_0

Checking internal nets for block pf_smip_0 ...

Checking IRS nets for block pf_smip_0 ...

Design has met 2 switches separation requirement

MSVT Check succeeded.
Number of errors: 0