Library Interface

TCPIP_ICMP_CLIENT_USER_NOTIFICATIONallow ICMP client user notification if enabled, the TCPIP_ICMP_CallbackRegister/TCPIP_ICMP_CallbackDeregister functions exist and can be used Note that if disabled, the tcpip console ping command won't be available
TCPIP_ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST_TIMEOUTTimeout for a request that was sent and no reply was received milliseconds
TCPIP_ICMP_TASK_TICK_RATEThe ICMP task processing rate: number of milliseconds to generate an ICMP tick. This is the tick that advances the ICMP state machine. The default value is around 30 milliseconds. The lower the rate (higher the frequency) the higher the module priority and higher module performance can be obtained The value cannot be lower than the TCPIP_STACK_TICK_RATE.
TCPIP_ICMP_ECHO_ALLOW_BROADCASTSallow replies to echo requests sent to a broadcast address by default this should be disabled, to prevent broadcast flood attacks
TCPIP_ICMP_CallbackDeregisterDeregisters the ICMP callback function.
TCPIP_ICMP_CallbackRegisterRegisters a callback to allow the application layer to process incoming ICMPv4 packets
TCPIP_ICMP_EchoRequestSendSends an ICMP echo request to a remote node.
TCPIP_ICMP_TaskStandard TCP/IP stack module task function.
TCPIP_ICMP_EchoRequestSends an ICMP echo request containing user supplied data
TCPIP_ICMP_EchoRequestCancelCancels a previously sent ICMP echo request
Data Types and Constants
ICMP_HANDLEa handle that a client can use after the event handler has been registered
ICMP_ECHO_RESULTresult of an ICMP Echo Request call
TCPIP_ICMP_MODULE_CONFIGPlaceholder for ICMP module configuration.
_tag_TCPIP_ICMP_ECHO_REQUESTContains the data needed for an ICMP request operation
TCPIP_ICMP_ECHO_REQUESTContains the data needed for an ICMP request operation
TCPIP_ICMP_ECHO_REQUEST_RESULTA result code for an Echo Request callback (as a result of an ICMP TCPIP_ICMP_EchoRequest call)
__ICMP_HThis is macro __ICMP_H.