4.1 IPE Main Window

The following figure shows the main window of the IPE. The IPE Menu bar contains the following menus, with commands:

Commands are available based on several factors, such as the device selected or the settings selected in Advanced Mode.

Figure 4-1. IPE Main Window

Table 4-1. IPE Main Window Fields
Select Device and Tool:
FamilyFilters devices by family or recently used.
DeviceSpecifies the device; click Apply to select.
ToolSpecifies the tool; click Connect or Disconnect as appropriate.
CP=OFF ChecksumThis field displays only if enabled in Advanced Mode.

Displays the imported hex checksum as if code protect is off for the device with current memory contents; value can be copied using CTRL+C.

ChecksumChecksum value for the device with current memory contents; value can be copied using CTRL+C.
Pass CountDetails the number of programming operations that passed.
Fail CountDetails the number of programming operations that failed.
Total CountThe total number of programming operations.
Command Buttons:
ProgramPrograms the device.
EraseErases the device.
ReadReads the device.
VerifyPerforms a verify operation on the device.
Blank CheckChecks whether the device is blank.
Hex FileThe Hex file location, Browse to locate the file.
SQTPThe SQTP file location, Browse to locate the file.
Output TabDisplay of output data.

Right-click in the Output window to access additional options.

Tool TabDisplay of specific tool data, for example, PM3, ICD 4, PICkit 4.