42 Acronyms and Abbreviations
The table below contains acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.
Abbreviation | Description |
AC | Analog Comparator |
ACK | Acknowledge |
ADC | Analog-to-Digital Converter |
ADDR | Address |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit |
AREF | Analog reference voltage, also VREFA |
BLB | Boot Lock Bit |
BOD | Brown-out Detector |
CAL | Calibration |
CCMP | Compare/Capture |
CCL | Configurable Custom Logic |
CCP | Configuration Change Protection |
CLK | Clock |
CLKCTRL | Clock Controller |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CTRL | Control |
DAC | Digital-to-Analog Converter |
DFLL | Digital Frequency Locked Loop |
DMAC | DMA (Direct Memory Access) Controller |
DNL | Differential Nonlinearity (ADC characteristics) |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
EVSYS | Event System |
GND | Ground |
GPIO | General Purpose Input/Output |
I2C | Inter-Integrated Circuit |
IF | Interrupt flag |
INL | Integral Nonlinearity (ADC characteristics) |
INT | Interrupt |
IrDA | Infrared Data Association |
IVEC | Interrupt Vector |
LSB | Least Significant Byte |
LSb | Least Significant bit |
LUT | Look Up Table |
MBIST | Memory Built-in Self-test |
MSB | Most Significant Byte |
MSb | Most Significant bit |
NACK | Not Acknowledge |
NMI | Non-maskable interrupt |
NVM | Nonvolatile Memory |
NVMCTRL | Nonvolatile Memory Controller |
OPAMP | Operation Amplifier |
OSC | Oscillator |
PC | Program Counter |
PER | Period |
POR | Power-on Reset |
PORT | I/O Pin Configuration |
PTC | Peripheral Touch Controller |
PWM | Pulse-width Modulation |
RAM | Random Access Memory |
REF | Reference |
REQ | Request |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computer |
RSTCTRL | Reset Controller |
RTC | Real-time Counter |
RX | Receiver/Receive |
SERCOM | Serial Communication Interface |
SLPCTRL | Sleep Controller |
SMBus | System Management Bus |
SP | Stack Pointer |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
SRAM | Static Random Access Memory |
SYSCFG | System Configuration |
TC | Timer/Counter (Optionally superseded by a letter indicating type of TC) |
TRNG | True Random Number Generator |
TWI | Two-wire Interface |
TX | Transmitter/Transmit |
ULP | Ultra Low Power |
UPDI | Unified Program and Debug Interface |
USART | Universal Synchronous and Asynchronous Serial Receiver and Transmitter |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
VDD | Voltage to be applied to VDD |
VREF | Voltage Reference |
VCM | Voltage Common mode |
WDT | Watchdog Timer |
XOSC | Crystal Oscillator |