Pointers to Both Memory Spaces

Any pointer to const has the ability to read objects in both the data and program memory space. Such pointers are said to be mixed memory space pointers and they may be larger than regular data pointers defined without using const on the target type.

For example, the following function can read and return an int from either memory space, depending on the address passed to it.

int read(const int * mip) {
  return *mip;

For any device in the tinyAVR or avrxmega3 families, these pointers are 16-bits wide and can target objects in data or in program memory, since the program memory is mapped into the data space. For other devices, the pointers are 24 bits wide.

Addresses of type const * that are 24-bits wide linearize flash and RAM, using the high bit of the address to determine which memory space is being accessed. If the MSb is set, the object is accessed from data memory using the lower two bytes as address. If the MSb of the address is clear, data is accessed from program memory, with the RAMPZ segment register set according to the high byte of the address.

Note that the pointer type const int * is similar to the const __memx int * pointer type in terms of how it accesses objects, but it does not require the use of non-standard keywords, and access is controllable using the -mconst-data-in-progmem option (see Const-data-in-progmem Option).