5 Programming Firmware

The following steps are a guide to program the firmware build through the ASF project using Microchip Studio.
  1. In Microchip Studio, go to the Tools tab to program the HEX files into the SAML21. Select Device Programming or press Ctrl+Shift +P.
    Figure 5-1. Options in Tools Tab
  2. In the Device Programming window, select the corresponding EDBG, and click Apply.
    Figure 5-2. Device Programming Window
  3. In the EDBG Device Programming Window, go to the Memories tab and browse .Hex file as shown in the following figure:
    Figure 5-3. EDBG Device Programming Window
  4. Click Program for the tool to program SAML21. The following figure illustrates the status of programming.
    Figure 5-4. Program Option in EDBG Device Programming Window