3 Hardware Setup

This section details the hardware requirements for running the various BM70/71 ASF demo applications.

The following are the instructions for the hardware setup to work as a GAP-Central and GAP-Peripheral device according to the application requirement.
  1. Plug the BM70/71-Xpro into the EXT1 header of SAML21 Xplained Pro as illustrated in the following figure.
    Note: Step 1 is common for both the GAP-Central and GAP-Peripheral device.
  2. For the GAP-Peripheral device, plug in the BNO055 board into the EXT2 of SAML21 Xplained Pro as illustrated in the following figure.
    Figure 3-1. GAP-Central Device Hardware Setup
    Figure 3-2. GAP-Peripheral Device Hardware Setup
  3. Connect the SAML21 Xplained Pro board to the host PC using a micro USB cable. The following table provides the application-based hardware requirements necessary for running various BM70/71 ASF demo applications.
    ApplicationGAP-Central DeviceGAP-Peripheral DeviceMBD Mobile Application
    GAP-Central DemoYesYesNo
    GAP-Peripheral DemoYesYesYes
    iBeacon DemoYesNoYes
    Multilink CentralYesYesNo
    Multilink MultiroleYesYesYes
    Transparent UART DemoYesNoYes