4 Generating a Dual-Slope PWM Signal
One of the most important characteristics of the TCA when compared to other timers, such as TCB, is the versatility and precision of the PWM generation. The user can choose from various configurations according to the complexity of the application. The TCA can be configured in both Single-Slope and Dual-Slope PWM Generation modes, which permits the trade-off between a constant phase (Correct Phase PWM) and a higher maximum operation frequency (Fast PWM). Also, the TCA has a buffering scheme that ensures a glitch-free PWM.
Both the TCA and TCB can be used to generate a PWM signal with a high maximum operating frequency. Only the TCA can be used in critical applications due to its dual-slope PWM capabilities given by its selectable direction. Dual-slope PWM does not modify the pulse center position when the duty cycle is changed. Thus, the phase is always constant.
The buffering scheme contains a buffer for each Compare register as well as for the Period register. The use of these buffers is essential in critical applications where an unexpected long pulse can lead to a short circuit. Moreover, the presence of these buffers can prevent the loss of synchronization between two peripherals that use the same timer but different compare channels. However, given the fact that the Period and Compare registers can be updated directly, the buffering scheme can be avoided by the user. The following waveforms illustrate the difference between buffered and unbuffered operations.
If the user changes the Period register directly, it is possible that the timer has already passed the new threshold, so it will continue counting to the maximum value. That will cause an unusually long pulse that can cause further problems. Also, if two or more compare channels are used and one of them is updated, the sync between the triggers may be lost. To prevent all these possible problems, the use of the buffering scheme is required. The buffers hold the new value and transfer it to the Compare or the Period register accordingly when the timer is updated. With all values changed at the same time, the problems mentioned disappear.
Below is an example of how to set a TCA instance to generate a 1 kHz PWM signal with a 50% duty cycle using the buffering scheme described above.
- The TCA corresponding register in
Port Multiplexer can be set to route the module outputs to different ports. In this
case, Port A is chosen, which is also the default
- The CTRLB register contains the
Enable bits of the compare channels and the bit field that determines the Waveform
Generation mode. In this example, channel 0 is used together with a Dual-Slope PWM
- Set the CNTEI bit of the EVCTRL
register to ‘
’ to set the timer to count clock ticks instead of events. It is worth mentioning that this is the default value of the CNTEI bit.TCA0.SINGLE.EVCTRL &= ~(TCA_SINGLE_CNTEI_bm);
- PERBUF is the buffer of the Period
register. It is used to set the frequency of the PWM signal using the following
- Also, the Compare register is updated
using its buffer to set the duty cycle. The value in the Compare register is half of
the one in the Period register because a 50% duty cycle is
- Set the prescaler to 4 by changing
the CLKSEL bit field in the CTRLA register. To start the counter, the user has to
set the Enable bit in the same
- Then, the Port A Pin 0 (PA0) is set
as output by writing a ‘
’ to the corresponding bit in the Direction register of the port.PORTA.DIR |= PIN0_bm;
An MCC generated code example for AVR128DA48 with the same functionality as the one described in this section can be found here: