24.4.5 Persistent Objects

The __persistent qualifier can be used to indicate that variables should not be cleared by the runtime startup code.

Use the native keywords discussed in the Differences section to look up information on the semantics of this qualifier.


The following shows a variable qualified using __persistent.

__persistent int serialNo;


When targeting PIC devices, the MPLAB XC8 compiler has allowed use of the persistent specifier to indicate that variables should not be cleared at startup. When targeting AVR devices, this compiler has allowed the use of the persistent attribute with variables to indicate they were not to be cleared.

The MPLAB XC16, XC-DSC and XC32 compilers have also used the persistent attribute for this purpose.

Migration to the CCI

When building with the MPLAB XC8 compiler for PIC MCUs, change any occurrence of the persistent qualifier to __persistent, for example, from:

persistent char template[20];


__persistent char template[20];

When building with MPLAB XC16, XC-DSC or XC32 compilers, or with the MPLAB XC8 compiler for AVR MCUs, change any occurrence of the persistent attribute to the __persistent specifier, for example, from:

int tblIdx __attribute__ ((persistent));


int __persistent tblIdx;

