Firmware Update Start operation

When the Firmware Update Start opcode is written to the OTACP along with image type parameter and an error condition does not occur, the Server shall start the firmware update procedure.

The format of the Firmware Update Start operation is defined in Table 4.6.

Table 4.6: Firmware Update Start operation format
Opcode Requirement Size (octets) Description
0x03 M 1 Firmware Update Start
Opcode Requirement Size (octets) Description
Image_Type M 1

The image used for firmware update process.

0x01: Firmware image

0x02: Metadata

All other values: RFU

However, if an error condition occurs, the “Success” result code shall not be sent and the appropriate error response shall be sent as defined in Table 4.7.

Table 4.7: Requirements for Control Point Error Responses to the Firmware Update Start Opcode
Error Condition Error Response
Requested image type is not supported. Not Supported
The received data length is invalid. Not Supported
The requested operation is not valid in the current state of the firmware update process. Invalid State
The received image type is not requested in Firmware Update Request opcode. (Image size is 0) Operation Failed
Active flash head is not available Operation Failed