2 Overview

This application note explains how to obtain the hardware and software configurations required by the BLE Internet of Things (IoT) project. The functionality of the example project and the AWS configurations are also detailed here.

In the example project, the featured device reads pressure, temperature, and humidity data from the weather sensor. The sensor sends data through an I2C interface, and a five-second reading interval is used for transmitting the data to the cloud. The device exchanges information with the RN4870 BLE device through the USART interface and starts creating services and characteristics for the sensor and updates them after every reading.

The Raspberry Pi board connects to the BLE device, reads the characteristics, and, using the Greengrass core, publishes the data to the cloud. Greengrass is a gateway software provided by AWS capable of using the hardware components of the Raspberry Pi board. Thus, the gateway core can interact with nearby BLE node devices and can provide secure communication to the cloud.
